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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Random Thoughts at 6.5 Months

Some random updates to interrupt this blog hiatus:

We took Noah in for his 6-month check-up on Wednesday evening. His stats for this month (for my own record):

Height -- 71cm (90th percentile)
Weight -- 8.276 kg (75th percentile)

So despite the milk-strikes, the bub's been growing well, and also on track with his milestones, which I am thankful for. He does appear to have sensitive skin however, and the redness on his face and at the back of his neck is likely to be mild eczema. Oh dear. Our Paed says he'll probably outgrow it and it's unlikely to be a problem but we do have to watch out for it and what he eats. I've been happily mixing up his meals which he has been gobbling down so I guess it's time to scale back a bit on introducing different foods to him till we've figured out what triggers a reaction.

What, no food for me Mummy?

Being more easily distracted now, he was happily playing with Daddy and didn't even flinch when his vax shot was administered. Not that he wasn't aware of it. After the shot he turned to stare at his thigh for a short while, as if he was wondering what happened, before turning back to play with Daddy and Elmo. Since I've chosen to delay his pneumoccocal shots till after his 1st birthday, we will not be visiting the Paed till he's a year old. Wow. She laughing told Noey to walk into her office for the next check-up and I dare say he will! This boy just can't wait to walk.


We are inching our way to finding THE sleep solution for Noey which hopefully does not involve him sleeping in our bed but would probably involve a measure of sleep training. After watching him sleep and traverse the span of our king-sized mattress in the process, we realised that he could be waking up because he was running out of space to turn in his cot. To counter that, we set up for him his own mini "queen-sized" mattress comprising 2 of his mattresses joined and wedged together, giving him the space to roll to his heart's content and things have actually improved. He still does wake, but he can now go a good 6 hours before waking up, and that's a big improvement. Let's see how far we can take this before we need to do something else.

In our bed, where he, alas, sleeps best

I've got blocked ducts again. OW. Every time this happens (which thankfully has not been very often), I think MAYBE it's time to stop with the breastfeeding. But then since I can breastfeed him, shouldn't I just continue to give him what's best for him? Hmmmm.


I'm somewhat out of sorts today. It's partly lack of sleep and having to tend to a whinier Noey for most of yesterday, after he developed a fever after his vax shot. I'm listless, restless and feeling under-appreciated. Maybe it's the pain from the blocked ducts talking. Whatever the case, I NEED A HOLIDAY.


Speaking of holidays, anyone got any good recommendations for a nearby destination with baby? I thought it would be perfect to get one of those holiday-home-type villas in Bali which comes with it's own chef and car, but DD is less enamoured of the idea. He just doesn't think there's much to see or do in Bali. So we're back to doing research and the search continues...

More updates in a bit!


  1. *hugs* re the blocked ducts. I remember how painful it can get. My thoughts then were, I'll continue till the supply runs out...

    I would suggest Aussie - it's a cleaner place for little ones, more baby-friendly and much easier to get their babyfood.

    My thoughts on holidays now are no more chill-out villas for us, unfortunately. We end up having to watch and entertain nat in-house, almost as if at home! Better to go somewhere we can all go out and explore together (and tire the little boy!).

  2. Anonymous18/4/09 16:57

    Is Sydney considered nearby? My friend and her husband brought their baby there when she was 6 months old. Lots to see and do!

  3. i'm with yvonne on australia. maybe perth? to be entirely honest, beach holidays aren't fun with tiny babies... maybe when they can walk. but for now, they still have to be plastered to us *groan*

    oh, and i was gonna say, k had a bit of rash when i started mixing up foods too. dunno if you remember my post during that time (around CNY).

  4. Phuket? Not too expensive on the air ticket and not too far from Singapore. Variety of nice yummy Thai food.

  5. Anonymous19/4/09 18:46

    Xy had mild eczema when she was younger but it just went away on its own, so don't fret!

    As for sleep training... can't say I have a solution. I am still struggling so fingers crossed for the 2 of us!

    I need a holiday too! But I wonder if I will end up needing a holiday to recover from the holiday with my baby!

    Hang in there!

  6. lilsnooze :: blocked ducts are such a pain (literally). sigh. our 1st choice would be aust too be the weather is getting cold and it might be rainy so we're not sure... you're right about the chill-out villas - it would be rather like being at home but with a pool. haha.

    distractedfish :: hi! sydney is 8.5 hours away. actually we wanted to go to sydney cos we have family there but i'm not confident of taking such a long flight with on his first trip.

    pf :: perth is our top choice but for the fact that we were told that the weather could be unpredictable in may and could be rainy. but we're seriously keen now! yah, i guess no more chill-out holidays for a bit till noah learns to chill-out too! haha.

    yah, i remember k had a rash on her cheek. the paed did say it's not so much a rash but an eczema reaction though. sigh! back to boring food for him!

    narelle :: phuket is on the list! we did go last feb just before we found out i was preggers though!

    sockling :: oh, glad to know xy's mild eczema went away. i it's quite painful to have to deal with it. and haha, yah, i don't know how much rest i'll be getting on holiday!



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