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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

It was Good Friday -- too early for Easter Eggs but Noey's Godparents had an Easter Egg hunt planned and we, or rather Noey, were invited to join in the fun.

We begin! Noey distracted by the grass
"Hmmmm, do I want that one?"

The concept of an Easter Egg hunt was lost on Noey of course, with a crucial factor being that he doesn't know what chocolate is quite just yet! That however didn't stop him from trying to get a bite.

Next year. Then he'll be chomping down the chocolate like Sophie!


  1. Wow Sophie looks so much like her dad! Heh.

  2. Hehe Nat had easter choc eggs from the trial class last week too...but we didnt let him eat it. :P

  3. amanda :: haha, yah, she does! she actually looks less like him now than when she was younger. but then, her parents have 夫妻相 so she looks like the both of them!

    lilsnooze :: nat's such a good boy, not asking to eat the chocs!



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