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Thursday, May 28, 2009


My Mothers' Day Gift from my photo-loving husband and my photogenic son: A digital photo frame.

The funny thing was that my present was given to me the day after Mothers' Day because my dear husband thought that Mothers' Day was the following week. Conveniently however, I had asked him to take some shots for me with Noey on Mother's Day to commemorate the day. He must have been chuckling to himself over the appropriateness of his present!

It was a Mothers' Day simply celebrated. A present and a shakily written card from my son, written mostly by Daddy with some "finger art" by Noey, and some photos to remember the day by. And time spent with my little son, who is the one who made the day special for me.


With fellow newly-minted Mummy Nish at little Anya's 1st month celebration, incidentally also on Mother's Day. Geez, we've come a long way from our days of running around in our shorts!

Little Anya has really grown since we saw her the day after she was born. She's going to be a real sweetie. You just know.


  1. aww, noah is getting more and more leng zai!

  2. He has your cheekbones!

  3. DD is soooo sweet!

    Out of point here, but I just have to say it - you lost so much weight! Looking very very good, babe! :)

  4. Noey's getting so cute and handsome la!

    Tehpeng got us(or him) a digital photoframe too. Huh.

  5. His cheekbones are beautiful!!

  6. Candice :: Heh, thanks! He's looking very "boy" these days, and not so much like a baby.

    Lyn and Amanda :: Poor boy's going to have a hard time finding sunnies that fit!

    Yuling :: Awww, thanks. I am mmore or less back to my orignial weight, though I really could be a lot toner!

    Lilsnooze :: Haha, I'm not surprised!



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