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Friday, June 26, 2009

9 Years

We celebrated our 9th year together on 22 June 2009.

As is our modus operandi for a good night out these days, we put our little bub to bed and trooped out for a late dinner. Noey in fact obliged us by going to bed an hour early at 8pm so we were able to eat at a fairly decent hour. We'd planned to go to Valentino's but after repeated tries to make a reservation and getting the answering machine every time, we figured it was not meant to be. I then thought maybe Viva Brazil Churrascaria, but when we got there, we realised it was closed on Monday. So trusty ol' Da Paolo's it was.

The food was reliably good, as was the company. Dates like these with just the two of us where we are free to concentrate on our conversation have been few and far between since a certain little Mr Somebody has come into our lives.

This past year has been one of the more challenging ones we've shared. DD and I have always had a great relationship -- it's always felt like it was meant to be. With Noey now in the equation, our bond is even richer than before, but at the same time, he consumes so much of our love and attention that there's not that much left over for each other. I think we're both guilty of zoning out on each other a lot more whenever we get some spare time. It's a challenge finding a balance, but I think we're on our way there. Dates like these help, though admittedly we spend much of our time talking about Noey since we're not physically with him. Haha.

9 years on, I'm seeing sides of DD that I have not otherwise seen in his interactions with Noey. I wasn't sure how DD would take to being a father -- neither of us were really baby people pre-Noey -- and he used to look a little lost around kids. But he's been great, and it's evident in the way Noey breaks into a huge smile when he sees his Papa. Before Noey arrived he was told by some well-meaning friends that fathers would take longer to bond with baby than mothers but that has not been the case and he has loved our little boy from the moment he saw him. And to see how he adores his little son just makes me love him more.

Happy Anniversary Dear!


  1. congratulations on your 9th year! :) d is a very funny man... i always remember him as the person who recognised me as "orhhh pei fen ah, the one who wants to give birth standing up." :P

  2. happy anniversary! you guys have a really awesome relationship going on. :) to many many more years ahead!

  3. Happy Anniversary you both! Cheers to more good happy years ahead.

    What you've wrote really strikes a chord with us...

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and D! Kudos to keeping the sparks alive after 9 years and more to come.

  5. Happy Anniversary you both!

  6. Happy anniversary to you and D! :)

  7. Happy Anniversary! =)

  8. Wouldn't have guessed you weren't baby people. You both make great parents.

    Happy Anniversary :)

  9. When I first saw the title, I thought you wrote your monthly letter early and wanted to say 'it's 9 months V, not 9 years!' Heh.

    Happy anniversary you 2!!

  10. Thanks all!

    PF :: that's how he remembers you too! you made an impression with that the first time he met you. hahaha.

    lilsnooze :: yah, i'm sure you understand!

    olimomok :: oh yes, had no idea what to do with a baby pre-noey. how things have changed.

    Amanda :: ROFL!! yes, 9 months coming up!

  11. Congratulations on your 9th year babe! I still remember fondly 'tekaning' u all those years ago in Bristol :p hehehehe



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