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Friday, June 19, 2009

Music makes the world go round

I've been taking Noey to Kindermusik classes on Thursday afternoons for the past couple of weeks. Maybe there is a kiasu mummy in me somewhere... Heh.

In truth, it's not my intention to hothouse him early, but rather, cos I thought it would be fun for us to do something together. I personally love classes and have signed myself up for all sorts before -- Photography. Cooking. Salsa (still have 2 left feet). Even Malay (don't ask). Since I'm off on alternate weekdays I thought I might as well put that time to good use and bring him for something that we might both enjoy. Besides, Sophie's Mum Mich -- my go-to person for parenting advice -- gave a positive review so I decided to bring him for a couple of trial classes to see how he liked it.

As it turns out, this boy might have some of my class-loving genes. Maybe it's something about sitting in a circle or being around other little persons -- whereas he is usually unwilling to sit still, in class, he pays attention (or looks at the teacher anyway) and sits on my lap, allowing me to move his hands and legs as required. Seeing his happy smiles was enough to get me to sign-up for the remainder of the module, which was another 4 lessons.

This is probably Noey's favourite part -- before the lesson starts when he's allowed to roam around freely and they take out the balls and other toys/instruments to play.

"I'm here to play? What kind of class is this?"

"Let's see what this ball is made of..."

"Ok, this is fun!"

Quite coincidentally, just shortly after I started bringing him for classes, Noey started nodding his head and bouncing and shaking when standing at his cot, at his play table and pretty much whenever any music plays. "Dance Noey!" I'll tell him, and he'll bounce and bob obligingly. It's too cute.

Now that the module is over I'm wondering whether to continue. Class starts at 3.30pm and it's a full day operation from the time he wakes up to ensure that he takes his naps at the appropriate times so we can make it without a grouchy sleepy baby. Already we had to miss one class because he chose to fall asleep at 3pm. Sigh.

Still hoping I can find a better time slot somewhere! We went for the Kid's Loft Kindermusik trial class and that was great but Papa wants 5pm on a Sat to be free for other activities so we're still on the hunt.

In the meantime, Noey will keep on bopping to his own beat.


  1. Hahaha, that's so cute! Admittedly, it's really quite fun to see them "interact" (or lack of) in class isn't it!

  2. Tooooo cute, that bounce!!! I love it!

  3. So cute and happy as always!

  4. I personally like to bring k to music/gym classes, not cos I am a kiasu mommy (espy since these classes are all about play!) but really, as they grow older, it's more impt they learn to be socially independent and also because they naturally prefer the company of their peers.

  5. Haha... He's so cute and adorable :)

    I've found that after attending more kindermusik lesons, Qi has begun to be more sociable and allows more people to carry her.

    (We persisted despite her initial reluctance and grouchiness. Now she seems to enjoy the class. Yay!)

  6. he is adorable! so happy will get to see you all again soon(ish)!

  7. It was so fun to watch kor kor dance...:) Aunty sings very well too!

  8. you're taking malay class?! wow, i never knew that!! eh next time teach me a bit here and there can... some days, my peranakan MIL insists on speaking to me in Malay and I'm all lost at sea... don't even understand ONE word, can?! (except "makan", naturally.... hahahaha!)

  9. malay is one language i'm asking K to learn with me..he's not that keen in japanese la. so i came up with malay which is more practical. still trying to convince him!

  10. Noey looks like such a big boy in the pictures!! Too cute!!

  11. oooh! like you said.. TOO CUTE! haha

  12. lilsnooze, MG :: i agree about the interaction. and noey actually likes other children and is always crawling up to them so i think class is a good way for him to mix :)

    nanie :: yay, good to hear she's enjoying it. with you guys as parents, i'm sure she'll be musical!

    daphne :: "ish" is right. come back sooooon...

    PF, Candice :: eh, i did say don't ask right? all return to teacher already! haha. i can only, erm, order food from the maciks! haha.



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