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Friday, June 05, 2009


Overheard on Monday:

DD: Hey, Noey is 8 months old tomorrow! What shall we get him?
Me: How about a baby carrier?
DD: Yeah, and I'll get him a 50mm 1.4. Then we're all winners here!

DD didn't get the lens but INoey did get the baby carrier. Yes, another one. Hand carrying Mr Wriggly these days is a workout in itself and with his current weight, the one sided slings are weighing down on my shoulders. Figured it was time to get something with better weight distribution. After some research and on the recommendation of friends, I decided to get the Beco Butterfly. In the carrier, Noey's weight sits on my hips and it doesn't pull down on my shoulders, which is great. Also it's not a crotch-carry carrier, which I prefer. Was always a little uncomfortable about Noey hanging from the Snugli that way even though he did honestly look fairly comfortable. The pretty print on the Beco is a bonus! :)

Thankfully Noey seems to like it, notwithstanding the fact that he's facing inwards. It helps that he has a strap conveniently positioned for a chew I suppose.

Well, the real test will be tomorrow when we hit the zoo!


  1. I am sooooo tempted, babe! Now that she's so sticky to the Pupsik and seems to hate the stroller, my back is the big victim here. Let me know how Beco is ok? I heard raving reviews, so am really really tempted. But the price tag...:/

  2. Haha, DD is so funny. It will be time before the lens get home eh? ;)

    For some reason, nat doesnt like being slinged..huh.

    Oooh, looking forward to see your pics of how noey enjoys the zoo!

  3. welcome to the beco club! my record was 2.5 hours walking in japan!! hee.

  4. lyn kang7/6/09 07:46

    did u buy it at the expo fair? A few of my friends have it too. Pretty! Heard it might be quite warm for long outdoor use though. But great for solo shopping trips. :)

  5. yuling :: will let you try it out when we next meet!

    lilsnooed :: yah, i'm holding out but i'm sure after a while he'll get it. sigh! the zoo was SOOO HOT!

    peifen :: thanks for the recommendation! ashley gave me a discount when i said your recommended me :)

    lyn :: i called the local distributor (ashley) and she gave to me place to do a demo. let me know if you need the contact :) you're right it can get hot!

  6. Anonymous8/6/09 16:52

    he is so so handsome :) and i can see that he really enjoy the new baby carrier.

  7. he looked happy in it. it certainly looks more comfy than the usual baby Bjorn but did he get bored since it's not outward facing?

  8. The beco is a good buy :)



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