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Wednesday, June 03, 2009

31 on 31

We celebrated my birthday with lunch with the family at New Majestic. My sister had suggested dim sum and I wanted to try somewhere new, so I was really pleased when I realised that they had an ala carte brunch buffet that fit the bill nicely.

We were even more impressed after getting there. There was a decent selection of dim sum, but what interested us more were the number of dishes they had on the menu, which was really pretty extensive. There were single order items like Pepper Crab with Goose Liver (which was a real winner!) and Steamed Fish with minced ginger. The fish maw and crabmeat soup was thick and the stock delicious. The folks enjoyed the Oyster Omelette and Black Pepper Beef while I happily tucked into the Poached Prawns, amongst others. There was a live counter outside dishing out Peking Duck. And a selection of desserts. And all for $38+++ per person.

The Black Pepper Crab. This was my favourite dish cos I just love crab. There aren't many food pics cos we were too busy attacking the dishes.

The absolutely divine fried durian with ice cream. Why they had to earnestly persuade Francis to try it is beyond me. I would have thought folks would have been lining up for the stuff! As soon as we tried it, we sent out the guys for more bowls for everyone.

What made it a great lunch for me however is the fact that Noey took a short nap, and after the food arrived, managed to sit in his high chair for almost the whole lunch, allowing all of us to eat hands free.

Noey with his spoon, courtesy of the restaurant. Smiles courtesy of his Jiujiu.

Maybe it was the short nap that he took. Maybe it was the fact that Noey is an absolute gem with my family. They in fact honestly believe that he hardly ever cries (which is such a fallacy!). Or maybe he knew it was Mummy's birthday and was being a good boy. Arw.

Very likely, the Baos and the bread from the Peking Duck played a big part.

"Oh, what is that I spy?"

The Char Siu Baos!

One taste (just the bread of course) and he's hooked!

Gimme gimme!

We rounded off the meal with birthday cake, though everyone was so full we had to ta-pao the whole thing back home, though not before we got a family shot with the cake.

I realise that it was my birthday and most of my pics are still of my son! Shows you how much priorities have changed. Maybe I have grown up.


  1. Anonymous4/6/09 08:31

    Happy birthday babe! the last picture totally shows how Noah takes after the 2 of u! U guys inspire me to start my own family (when the time is right!)

  2. Happy birthday! May the Lord continue to fill your life with overflowing blessings and joy :)

    And Noey is certianly getting more and more handsome.

  3. Shyanyan4/6/09 11:52

    Happy Birthday! Yes, I second that: Noey's getting more and more handsome!

  4. Happy birthday, dear! Such a lovely happy family photo! Noah's changed quite a bit since I last saw him - which means we haven't met up for toooo long!

  5. heye !! Happy belated birthday! :D

    Heehee.. did I just read "Pepper Crab with Foie Gras"?

  6. Happy birthday!! Noey is giving you the thumbs up in the last pic!!

  7. Happy birthday, babe! DD and Noey have that same smile in the last pic :)

  8. Blessed Birthday!

    Yes, almost all pics are of our boys now isnt it?

    Hey, Noey has the Ipood tee too!

  9. Happy Birthday! Have a blessed year ahead :) Noey is giving a thumb's up! He's such a cheerful kid!

  10. Happy birthday!!! You should frame the last picture. Absolutely gorgeous family!

  11. Anonymous4/6/09 22:49

    Happy Birthday! Wishing you great health, happiness and many wonderful returns!

  12. blessed birthday my dear!! :) Noey's growing up to be such a handsome fella!

  13. muffin girl5/6/09 11:42

    Happy belated birthday! Love the family picture; everyone was smiling so happily.

  14. I decided to go to Jing after reading your entry. Woo!! Looking forward!!

  15. Happy Birthday! such a lovely celebration! =)

  16. the family portrait is such a picture of bliss!!

    happy birthday!!

  17. Happy birthday babe! I love the pictures and Noahie is so adorable :)

  18. i LOVE looking at pics of Noey - he looks like such a happy little boy! Like his cheery mummy :) Wish I'd been able to celebrate w you babe... maybe next year?!!



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