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Saturday, July 11, 2009

We love to go a-wandering

Since Noey's really cruising this days (in addition to crawling everywhere really fast), I thought it would would a good opportunity let him try out a walker again. I had rented one for him about a month back but he really wasn't ready for it and kept threatening to fall flat on his face. Not any more.

Alright, I've also been itching to buy him some new toy -- renting isn't quite the same. That said, I really would recommend renting because it's like an opportunity to test out the toys and the ones Noey likes, we can then go and buy! Also having a rotating variety keeps things fresh. I've been getting toys for a couple of months from Toys-a-Month and it's been pretty good arrangement -- you pick items off a list and they'll confirm and deliver the goods to you every month, and pick up the old batch. Really convenient.

But this time I decided to get Noey something new, and I'm glad he likes it! (Now hoping all that music doesn't give me a headache after a while!)


  1. He's such a smooth cruiser! Raeann will walk a few steps, then lean forward to play with those silly things on the other side of the walker. Ha.

    I LOVE the sounds he makes!!!!

  2. Ahahaha! his reaction to getting stucked is soo cute!

  3. haha... he's babbling to the lion!

  4. so cute! he's a talker and a walker! my my how he has grown!!! I love seeing the videos! Put up more more more :p

  5. hahaha so cute and funny!!



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