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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh, How They Grow

Debra's Little Man, Sean

Went with some of the girls to visit Debra and little man Sean on Monday, and all us Mummies proceeded to go all googoo-gaga over the new bub. He was so cute and perfect in his little newborn-ness. Totally makes one crave a small baby!

We had a good time listening to and commiserating with Debra over her whole birth experience. Listening to her brought back so many memories, but it's true, you tend to conveniently forget the painful bits with the passing of time.

I went home and spent the rest of the evening going through Noey's old photos with DD, wondering how on earth this:

has become this:

so quickly. Every time I cradle him for a feed, I marvel at how he now extends way beyond my body when I used to be able to hold the whole of him to me. On Sunday, DD laid him on a nappy at Uncle George's place for a nap, like we used to do when he was much younger, but because Noey's grown so much since we've done this, DD totally misjudged the placement and Noey ended up with his feet hanging over the edge of the bed. We had a good laugh about it but I felt a little twinge when faced with this evidence of my baby growing up. Guess that's why folks have No.2. We're not quite there YET!


  1. sigh...they grow too fast don't they Vera? I miss my tiny little baby...

  2. Noey has so much hair at birth...I like! And his features look exactly the same then and now.

  3. Cant agree with you more. they really grow fast.

    I wanna keep nat at this cute age forever. heehee.

  4. ker :: yah, feel super nostalgic looking back!

    shyanyan :: yes, everyone commented on his hair then! he still has a lot now. just had to cut it for the 3rd time. his face has changed quite a bit actually but looking at him sleeping, he does look the same!

    lilsnooze :: me too! freeze them at this adorable stage before they become annoying kids. haha.

  5. Yes he already looked so boy at birth! Handsome. :)



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