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Thursday, August 20, 2009

It's a Zoo Out There

Daryl took the day off on his birthday and since it was his special day and all, I let him decide what he wanted to do with the promise that I would go along with it with nary a complaint. Very predicatably he opted for the zoo, so to the zoo we went.

Trying to get Noey to wear his hat...

... and yup, failing miserably

Those of you who think that the zoo is for Noey, you're wrong. The zoo is like one of DD's favourite outdoor destinations. Even pre-Noey he kept bugging me to go to the zoo. Now with Noey, he's got the perfect excuse.

Usually, I'm not that keen on the zoo. It's hot and crowded and animals are smelly. (There, I said it.) But this turned out to be one of our better trips. For one, it was a Thursday and while there were some school groups, there were virtually no crowds. It was relatively easy to get a seat at the restaurant -- in air conditioned comfort -- and get near the exhibits.

The best thing though? The fact that on weekdays we can ride the tram for FREE with our Friends of the Zoo membership. Not having to walk in the hot sun was a total mood saver.

Mummy all smiles, thanks to the tram. Noey is more interested in the fruit.

Getting some of that watermelon, Papa's favourite fruit.

My boys with their mouths full. Nom nom nom.

Another thing that made this trip memorable was the real-life cat fight we witnessed up close in the lion enclosure. It was our last stop for the day as DD wanted to show our little roaring son some real lions. They were sitting in the shade when we arrived when the only male lion decided to walk out into the sun, followed by the females. Before we knew it, they broke in a scruffle, roaring and snapping at one another. It lasted all of 10 seconds but boy was it exciting. The funny thing though was that it caught us all so much by surprise that DD DID NOT SNAP A SINGLE PHOTO of the fight. Yes, this despite the fact that he was holding on to his camera the either time. After the lions had calmed down, I heard an exasperated "Alamak! I should have taken!" at my side and after incredulously asking him why in the world he didn't (Answer: He was too busy staring), I burst out laughing.

A pre-fight shot -- see the menacing looking female at the back


Guess my hubs is not cut out for journalistic photography!

We all had fun nonetheless. Yes, even me. Am definitely going to come back on weekdays if I can!

The aftermath


  1. ive got to say it again, Noey is so cute! He's even dressed to the theme (then again, this is mummy's doing, i guess)

    The lion catfight makes the trip more worthwhile. haha

  2. My first trip to the zoo with Bean was a failed one. Heh I think it'll be a while before I take him back there. Unfortunately for him, both Shane and I are not really zoo people too. =P

  3. I have two cell group friends who love the zoo like crazy. Too far, too hot are my excuses. But your trip sounded real fun! And k should really see more animals than malls...

    Btw, I've been meaning to get a head cushion like yours for the carseat. Where's yrs from?

  4. Anonymous20/8/09 22:42

    We love the zoo! But we were so distracted by the heat and xy when we go that we miss out on the most important exhibits like the lions!

  5. i love going to the zoo!! that's one place i'd brave the heat for. hee!

  6. i'll GLADLY join you in the "NOT fans of the Zoo" section. i hate the zoo like anything too. hot, smelly, zzzzzzzzzz. hur hur hur. i really think it's just our weather here cos i quite enjoyed the zoos in Japan and Australia (when i went during winter of course).

    AHHHHHHHH! Idea idea! *ding ding ding* since DD likes zoos, you can do a zoo-hopping type of trip next time!

  7. lilsnooze :: haha, ok, i kinda didn't realise he was dressed to theme, tho yes, the monkey on his romper is quite appropriate!

    michelle & lyn :: maybe when they're older we can go together. they'll appreciate it better then!lyn, the head cushion was from kiddy palace.

    sockling :: go again! xy is at the age where she'll enjoy it i think. our goddaughter sophie LOVES the zoo.

    candice :: you are an animal lover mah!

    PF :: eh, I don't like zoos leh! don't make me go zoo-hopping! haha.



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