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Friday, August 07, 2009

Shoo, Flu Bug, Shoo!

Poor Noey is sick, down with the dreaded flu. He was having a runny nose all day yesterday and started burning up last night. At the doctor's this morning, his temperature was 39C.

Of all the milestones I hope to see him achieve, this is one that I was hoping to delay for as long as possible. This is the first time he is down with any kind of sickness in 10 months (not counting an earlier allergy flare-up) and I guess I should be grateful for that. But it is hard, seeing him all out of sorts and unable to rest well. Last night he was unable to sleep and woke up every 10 mins from 3am to 5am when he eventually succumbed to tiredness, stuffy nose notwithstanding. It's a first time for me too, dealing with a sick baby and DD and I were a bit lost, wondering how best to make him comfortable. And of course, I was and still continue to be struck by guilt, wondering where he could have caught this and how I could have prevented it.

He's continued to be rather out of sorts today, clinging to me and generally being rather miserable. And instead of cruising on his feet every chance he gets, he's wanted to be carried a lot. Fortunately after we gave him a bath (which was hard-fought), his fever seems to have subsided and he was in much better spirits.

Mummy the food police is also hoping that he'll recover more of an appetite soon. We've been having trouble getting him to eat his porridge recently and today he naturally rejected it. Being as obsessive about his food intake as I am, I instead got him to eat a banana, a variety of his baby biscuits, a piece of wholemeal bread, a strawberry and some apple today. Plus whatever breastmilk I could give him and that he would drink. This is nowhere close to his usual intake but it'll have to do for now. I guess the good news is that he turned out to be heavier than I expected at the weigh in at the Paed's. He's 9.45kg now, and while I'm loathe to see him lose any weight, I'm glad he's a healthy weight to begin with.

In times like these, we can only do what we can with our earthly hands, and leave him in the hands of our Lord, trusting in his mercy and deliverance.

Get well soon Little Noey!


  1. poor noey... hope he gets well soon!

  2. Get well soon, Noey. I miss your smiling face...

  3. oww..noah looks so poor thing. hope he feels better sooon!

  4. Poor boy - he looks so miserable. Get well soon, Noey!

  5. Oh no oh no, Noey looks miserable. My heart ached when I was reading this post!

    On the positive side, one must catch the bug to build up antibodies to fight other bigger bugs in future. Noey's a bug fighter!

    Yah, lots of breastmilk to flush out the toxins. See if your paed can use the machine to suck out the mucus. It's painless, just a little uncomfortable at first. It helped Raeann sleep so much better when she had the cold.

    Take care too, beanbean. These nasty bugs just pass around. I got mine then from my student, and passed it on to Raeann and my hubby. Fortunately no fever for all three of us. Never felt more guilty. :/

  6. Aw.... poor thing! Noey does seem miserable in the last photo. I hope he gets better soon.

    One of the PDs we saw recommended that we dilute Xy's milk when she was sick. Something about babies not liking the strong milky taste when they're ill. Wonder if it'll help?

    This will pass. Hang in there and rest as much as you can when you get the chance. Take care!

  7. Oh dear.. Hope he gets better soon!

  8. poor boy!! am glad he is on the mend though.

  9. Lyn kang9/8/09 21:38

    Sigh it's gotta be fidgets. Poor bubs, and poor mummies us all! Take care...

  10. Thanks everyone. Noey's better, in fact, he's bounced back really well. I think it might be the breastmilk.

    yuling :: understand the guilt -- keep thinking what i did to get him sick. brought him swimming on thurs morning too. sigh! hope you guys are all feeling better!

    sockling :: he continued taking breastmilk (from me) so at least i knew he was getting some nutrition. thanks for the tip though. i'll keep that in mind the next time i have any trouble.

    lyn :: oh no, is kate ill too??

  11. ohmygosh...that is really a super pitiful picture!!!!!!!!! :( poor noey, glad to know he's better already!!

    anyways, on the food front, have you tried food other than porridge? i had the same prob with yk when he simply refused to take porridge after a while.. then i switched to noodles, mee sua, etc, and he started eating like a champ again!

    good luck though, the food war is never-ending..

  12. Yup, Kate had a slight runny nose on thurs evening and woke with mild fever on fri morning. Saw the pd and she's better now after meds but still a little runny nosed... Mum's down with sore throat and runny cum blocked nose too. :(

  13. Anonymous10/8/09 12:20

    poor Noey.
    but he looks so cute in the last photo here, despite being sick. heh.

  14. kopikia :: yah, he looks so poor thing right? poor boy didn't know what was wrong with him or why he felt so terrible. after your suggestion, i went to buy him some mee sua but he refused to eat it! shall have to try again.

    lyn :: oh dear! N still has a runny nose too. he keeps rubbing his face and getting a whole face full of snot. yuck. rest well you two! hope you feel better soon.

    cosmic-cow :: yeah, wish i looked that good sick! haha.

  15. He looked so miserable but oh so cute in the last pic. So cuddly that I wanna hug him!!! Some say that breastmilk helps but only if Mommy falls ill as well, and develops the necessary antibodies. Not sure how true this is though...



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