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Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Over the past month, Noey has been talking up a storm of baby proportions. He's picking up words daily and it feels like you'll never know when he's going to repeat the last word you said! He has started to copy words and sounds pretty accurately -- both the words we want him to repeat and those that we don't.

Like when I passed his airplane to him with a casual "Nah", which he promptly repeated. Oops.

It has been endlessly entertaining watching to see what he comes up with next. This is especially so cos he is often very tickled when he hears a new word and would burst into giggles while trying to repeat it, which is extremely cute.

Sometimes desperation inspires him. I shut him out of my room last week and heard him fussing and banging on my door, before he voiced a pitful "Open! Door!". His first "sentence" of sorts.

Other times I've been amused by what goes through that little brain as he becomes increasingly able to vocalise his thoughts.

This morning for example, Noey was holding on to one of his small Maisy board books while I was changing his diaper. "Cake," he said.

I looked over and noticed that he was looking at a picture of a cake on the spine of his book. "Oh, cake," I said. "Yes, is that a cake, Noey?"

"No," came his sage reply, "Book."

Somehow I also think that I've got a smart-alec on my hands.


  1. Such a clever cutie! I better watch what I say in front of him too. Lol.

  2. Anonymous10/2/10 02:48

    such a smart boy! I can imagine the fun you have with him everyday!


  3. He IS a very smart boy!!

    I hear you about desperation, once Ellie fell down and knocked his head and begged, "Uncle. Carry." which was quite surprising because he doesn't talk all that much at all!

  4. AHAHAHAHA Smart alec! but sometimes i feel it's just like a toddler to be so matter of fact and serious!

  5. so fun! ^_^

  6. Michelle :: In front of Bean too! They are such sponges, these babes!

    Natchin :: The amusement balances out the hair-tearing moments! It is a fun stage.

    Amanda :: Heh, it shows that they know and can say so much more than they're letting on!

    Kopikia :: You're totally right. Guess it's also because they take everything so literally.

    Lyn :: You just feel like you have to laugh! The best part about the talking though is that it has cut down on the whining. Hah!

  7. such a smart boy!

    Mummies got to be smarter than them now!



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