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Friday, February 12, 2010

Taking the Bus

During our evening walk on Wednesday, we took a short walk to the bus stop just outside our development for Noey to get his bus fix. Like I said before, he really loves them buses! He stood there staring and occasionally pointing out the passing vehicles to me -- "Baa! Tuck! Van! Tar!" (Yes, he only says "van" clearly. I'm sure you can figure out the rest!)

As the next bus pulled into the bus stop, I asked him a silly question "Noey, would you like to go on the bus?"

Silly because he immediately nodded his head vigourously and tried to clamber into my arms. Silly because I had come down with no money nor ex-link card and no bus driver was going to let me ride for free at that time. Silly also because it was peak hour and I really didn't want to take be stuck on a bus while it inched its way to the next bus stop and then have to make my way back again.

I would love to say that we spontaneously jumped on a bus anyway but that's not how I operate. I'm some one who is more likely to over-think things than be spontaneous. So I had to hastily tell him that I'll bring him on a bus the next day, to much protest.

I kept my word the next day. I really wanted to head down to Tangs to do some last-minute CNY shopping, but instead, we hopped on a bus and rode it a couple of stops down the road. Noey was, as expected, completely fascinated and barely made a squeak throughout the ride. A handful of stops down the road, he got to press the buzzer (which he loved of course) and we hopped off and took the short walk to the supermarket nearby. Along the way we stopped to study a big drain -- the "djain" is another of those things Noey loves to hang around, probably because of the running water. We pointed out ants scurrying about, and we walked on the grass verges of the kerbs because it was so much more fun than walking on the pavement. We stopped at the traffic light and discussed how green means go and red means stop. We identified "O"s on signboards that we passed.

And to round it off, we shared a gelato.

Having ice-cream, just Mummy and me. It's even better now that I've commandeered both spoons since she was fiddling with the camera.

And after all that, we caught a bus back home again.

It was all rather mundane but it reminded me that things like these on days like these are why I chose not to work full-time. For such unhurried random days where we can take little adventures for no reason at all. And now that he is a little older, I look forward to having more carefree days, just like that.


  1. he's the bestest! he can name so many things already :) It sounds like the most perfect day - rounded off with gelato! What bliss!

  2. Anonymous14/2/10 21:46

    i like such days with my boy too. =)

  3. What an enjoyable day for you two!

    Happy New Year &
    A lovely week!

  4. awwwwwwww i miss those days too! just me and 1 boy :P

    and it's amazing how well behaved they are in the bus right? which is in stark contrast to their CAR behaviour sometimes! haha

  5. daph :: the gelato was the best part! haha. you'll be surprised at how much he can say when you come back!

    alloverdeplace :: yes, as a SAHM i'm sure you have more opportunities for such times!

    seline :: thanks seline! hope you have a wonderful CNY too!

    lilsnooze :: i think the bus was the treat for noey but the gelato was certainly a treat for me.

    kopikia :: yessss! they can be such tyrants in the car.

  6. Sounds like a really lovely day! Good of you to have kept your word to him! I love forward to similar experiences when Bubbles is older :)



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