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Saturday, January 14, 2012

She Walks!

Just as I was talking about Naomi being on the verge of walking, she decided that today was the day!

She took a couple of steps towards my helper, who was watching her while Noey and I were having lunch. And when we all rushed over and clapped to cheer her on, little Meips looked as pleased as punch. Emboldened by her success, she repeated the feat a couple of times later, taking 8-10 jerky little straight-legged steps from the book/toy shelf to the safety of Mummy's lap.
Ah, I've forgotten how cute they look when they first start out, with the wobbles and all.

There she goes! And the sweet munch of success!

I would have thought it would be more difficult walking with a book in hand but she seemed to prefer it. She in fact actively sought out a book to hold before she tried walking again. Maybe it was useful as a counterweight?

Whatever the case, at 10.5 months, this girl is on the move! I'm bracing myself for the inevitable accidents!


  1. The picture of her nom-ing away at the book is just too cute!

  2. oh wonderful! such a big milestone.. congrats! :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka



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