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Monday, July 29, 2013

Blog Refresh

So I've been making some changes around these parts over the past couple of weeks.

If you popped by today, you would probably have noticed that the blog has gotten a new look. I got bored of my old template and decided that it was badly in need of an update. I got some help and that's what you're seeing here!



It still needs some work before I'm fully satisfied, but for now, I'm pretty pleased with it. It's certainly pinker, which in my book, is always a good thing. (Hah.)

And if you're really observant, you might have noticed that I've finally taken the plunge and got myself my own domain. This blog now can now be found at www.lifeisinthesmallthings.com. It's hard to believe, but I've been blogging in this space for more than 8 years now. When I first started, I never thought that this hobby of mine would be something that I would keep at for so long. Guess I just have too many things to say! I thought it was about time to have some virtual space to call my very own, so here it is.

One of the things that has definitely kept me going for so long has been the people that I've met online along the way. It also still surprises and touches me that so many of you come by regularly to read, comment and e-mail to share. It's been part of what has made this very rewarding for me.

I've been thinking more about having a schedule to ensure that I still manage to blog about all the different things that I love, because I only have that much time in a day to spend at the computer. To this end, I've created a poll which I would be grateful if you could help me with. Tell me: What is it that you've enjoyed reading on this blog? And what would you like to read more about? 

What would you like to read about on this blog?
pollcode.com free polls 
Do let me know what you think of the new look too. (Even if you hate it. Especially if you hate it, I think.) Thanks!   


  1. Love the header (its font especially!). Always cool to have a refresh methinks!

    1. Thanks, the header was what drew me to this design! I'm still looking for a better alternative to the background though.

  2. love the sweet new look :) good job and yes, I'v voted :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. Thanks Ai for the encouragement and input!

  3. Congrats on the new domain and the new look! :) I'm still working on my new blog look. Great idea to do a poll, I've put in my vote!

    1. Oh, I'm looking forward to yours! Thanks for your input!

  4. Voted! I like the new look, very refreshing!


    Umm, I checked everything under the poll. That's ok right? ;)

    1. Haha, thanks C! I'm thinking maybe I should have asked everyone to choose their top 3. But thanks for the support :)

  6. Anonymous31/7/13 04:05

    The new look's great! I'm a long-time lurker and my favourite posts are your reflective ones where you talk about your thoughts as a parent. It's really good to hear 'real thoughts' from another mother instead of all those sponsored reviews flooding all the other motherhood blogs these days.

    1. Hi there, thanks for commenting and I appreciate your frank feedback. Those are are my favourite posts too, though they aren't always the easiest to write :) I too am seeking a balance between sponsored posts and other posts of my own, and am endeavouring to make sure that my voice doesn't get drowned out even with sponsored content.

  7. hehehe the header's fine, but I think the background is a little tooooo sweeet and ditsy for my taste. But that's just me :p and... you know me lah. hahahaha...



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