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Sunday, August 04, 2013

Singing It Right

You know how it is that you don't realise you'd miss something until you realise that you'd probably heard it for the last time?

That's how I felt when last Wednesday, I heard Meips sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" correctly for the first time.

You see, for the longest time she's been singing the 3rd line as "Up above the ser world high". At least as the second-time parents that we are, while we did sing it correctly when joining in, we didn't make her correct it. Because it was cute, and because we knew that all too quickly, she'd learn the right words and that bit of our baby will disappear.

Well, that just happened. I think we're definitely going to miss "ser world".

Incidentally, just a couple of weeks ago, I heard her sing “up above the ser world high”, and immediately catch herself and say, “not 'ser world'? Ok.

Ah, self-awareness. Another sign that my baby is growing up. Just not too quickly please!

Nomi1Going driving with her pal Raa-Raa. Thankfully it'll be quite a while before she drives off on her own for real!


  1. awww petal! she is such a little grown up! she needs to teach me a lesson or two! i sing all my nursery songs with the wrong words!

    1. haha, naomi can sing with you, Aunty Z!

  2. Oh I so know what you mean! I keep thinking to myself "Oh, I must video this before he stops doing it" and then before I know it, he stops doing it! urrgghh!!! Time really flies, the kids grow up so quickly!

    1. DD found a video of her singing last night! Aiyah, it was really cute but that stage is over. Don't think we'll ever stop feeling that way!



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