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Friday, September 06, 2013

Things We Make With Lego: Spectacles!

The last day of Term 3 is typically a celebration for Teachers' Day the next day, and this year, Noey's kindy decided that the theme for the day would be "Through the Looking Glass". The instructions: come in quirky spectacles and party clothes that can happen only in your dreams.

As usual I had forgotten about this, only to realise early in the week that we needed to put something together for Thursday. I was sighing to the husband about needing to get out materials to construct an interesting pair of spectacles for Noey, when he suggested that we make something out of "plastic construction toys" instead. (His words, not mine.) It took me a while to register that he was referring to Lego. 

"Are you sure you can make that? Wouldn't it break apart? He's got to wear them, you know?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I'm sure I can do it," was his reply.

Well, guess what, he certainly did!

Lego Specs2Super cute Lego specs, with the minifigs added by Noey himself.

I've really got to hand it to my husband -- he's a whizz with Lego!

As for Noey's outfit, since they asked for party clothes that only exist in dreams, I decided to make Noey's dream come true by letting him go to school in his pyjamas. This boy loves his PJs and has on several occasions asked me if he could go to school in his pyjamas when I am nagging him to change in the morning. I figured this was as good a day as any to fulfil that request, and boy, was he thrilled.

This was how we sent him off in the morning in the end.

Lego SpecsAll spec-ed out and in his beloved Star Wars PJs. The tagline on it says "A Rebel Never Sleeps". Sometimes I think I'm asking for it when Noey refuses to sleep!

Not too bad for a last minute job, I must say! 

I'm sure he was the only one who turned up in pyjamas but he didn't care. "They are soooo comfortable!" he said with a satisfied sigh. I was happy that he was happy.

It being Teachers' Day, we also prepped a few simple gifts for his teachers, principal and the school administrator. Hersey's kisses and, borrowing an idea from my friend MissusTay, GV gift cards for them to kick back and take a well-deserved break at the movies. I wanted to make something but just ran out of time. Nonetheless, I hope his teachers appreciate the gesture.


As for me, I have just been really tired and disorganised lately, and I hope I'll be able find some time to get the engines running properly again. But not this week though, since I'll have both kids on my hands the whole time. Then again, I'm also looking forward to a whole week long with my two, doing what we love best -- going out and exploring. And maybe enjoy some Lego time too.



  1. Wow! Hubby certainly is good with Lego! Love what you did with the Teacher's Day presents, decorating them with washi and doilies!

    1. Thanks Jus! It was a quick last minute job with the boxes. I'm glad they turned out alright :) My hubby is a real lego nut. I'm just glad he put his skills to good use!

  2. such cool glasses :) my elder boy made something similar a while back and he called them the night vision goggles ... I had them posted on instagram but it only stay there long enough for me to snap a pic before it came crashing down

    1. hello haifang! hee, these didn't stay on too well either, so we had to modify it was an extra hinge to grip the head for regular play. i'm going to go check yours out :)



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