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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Cards for Christmas

This year, I had to put aside all ideas for a homemade Christmas, no thanks to a fair bit of inertia. Whereas I'm usually picking up stuff or planning my gifts in October or November, this year, I waited till we were well into December before I started panicking. So there are no homemade gifts, and I barely managed to get something for everyone on my list. But I still wanted the kids to make a little something for their grandparents, so the kids and I made a couple of cards.

Naomi chose the tapes and cut the lengths, and both she and Noey did some pasting. Of course, they ran off after a while -- right about when they realised it was not a play-with-as-much-tape-as-you-like-session that they thought it was! So I was left to finish the work myself. It's a simple idea, but I think it came out quite prettily. Yes, I'm in love with washi, like the rest of the world!


It has been a busy few weeks for me, and I'm looking forward to winding down with family to see out the year. Well, that's the plan anyway!

From our family to yours, have a wonderful blessed Christmas. In the midst of making merry, let's not forget that He is the reason for the season.

Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
~ Romans 15:13

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