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Monday, December 23, 2013

Partying with the Hi-5 House Party!

There's nothing like seeing screen heroes come to live before your eyes. Well, that's how I felt, seeing my star-struck kids at the Hi-5 House Party show in the weekend just past!

Little 2-year old Meips was the most excited, whereas 5-year old Noey had a bit of a panic attack right before the show. I think he was a little freaked out by the fact that Hi-5 would be there, live and in the flesh. But thankfully, once we got in the hall, all was good.

Hi 5 2It's Hi-5!

As expected, Hi-5 put on an energetic performance that had everyone (well, all the little ones, anyway!) on their feet singing and dancing away. There's just that bit of energy that comes from a live show that you don't get on TV. There were even kids who gathered in the aisles to sing and dance, and just get that bit closer to their idols. I thought that was kid of cute. My kids didn't stray from their seats, but they still had plenty of fun following along.

Hi 5 3Roaring like Dinosaurs!

Noey was very tickled by the Hide-and-Seek Hi-5 played at the beginning of the show, while Meips' favourite bit was when they put on the animal masks. It's still always the first thing she mentions when she talks about the show. Hi-5 performed a mix of old favourites and new tunes from their latest season, but it was clear that Wish Upon A Star and L.O.V.E. were the crowd pleasers. Even I was sucked into the moment and started singing along!  

Hi 5 4With the animal masks on!

Hi 5 5L.O.V.E.!

I think we all had a great time, though as a Mummy, the best part for me was watching my kids enjoy themselves. I left with a fresh sense of respect for these entertainers and the work they do, bringing music, fun and laughter into the lives of kids around the world. And in Lauren's case, being able to do all that while dancing and jumping around effortlessly in wedged sneakers!

It's back to our DVDs and the TV for now, till the next time Hi-5 rolls round!

Hi 5 11-2-3-4, Hi-5!

* We received complimentary tickets to the show for the purposes of promotion and review of this show. All opinions remain our own.

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