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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Enjoying Her Two-ness

As we wound down the year, two thoughts kept re-playing in my head: 

1. That my daughter is really so impossibly cute; and

2. That I'm really going to miss having her around in the mornings when she starts school.

Because yes, she starts school today. I am one part anxious, one part excited, and another part wistful that my little constant companion will no longer be there with me every morning. I have to admit that more often than not, I'm happy when she's off playing on her own in the mornings, and I heave a not-so-silent sigh when she looks at me and beseeches me to take her along with me on my morning runs with cries of "I want to follow yooooou!" Now, with school marking an end to our mornings alone, I've started to regret not treasuring those times more. Such is life, isn't it, that we start to appreciate what we have only when it threatens to be taken away?

So over the past few weeks, I took the time to savour the last of our Mummy-and-Meimei mornings. I took her along on my errands whenever she wanted to follow me, and I spent my time just being with her and watching her. Enjoying her carefree 2-year-old-ness.


Today, she joins to her brother at kindy, marking the start of her schooling journey. I am not worried about her adapting -- she's familiar with the school environment and will have Noey with her. Instead, I think it's me who will have some adjustment issues. Then again, I can't say I'm not thrilled about having nearly 3 hours to myself every morning!

My little-big girl, how you've grown.

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