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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Phuket and Langkawi Stopover with Costa Victoria

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the new year, I forgot to share that my post on the adventures that we got up to in Phuket and Langkawi during our 4-night cruise on board the Costa Victoria is up on TheSmartLocal!

We were able to spend nearly a full day in Phuket and half a day in Langkawi, and I think we managed to make the most of it. Our stopover in Phuket was particularly memorable thanks to an elephant trekking tour that we took. Everyone loved it and it was easily the as I had arranged an elephant trekking tour, which we all enjoyed. It was easily the highlight of our trip. For more details, hop on over here: Phuket and Langkawi Stopover with Costa Victoria.


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