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Thursday, May 01, 2014

Tulipmania 2014: In Full Bloom At Gardens By The Bay

After getting busy planting the tulips for Tulipmania at Gardens by the Bay, we were all eager to go back to the Flower Dome to view the tulips in bloom. We took the opportunity over the Good Friday weekend to go view the flowers and we were certainly not disappointed. It was an amazing sight to see tulips of different colours and varieties covering the flower field! It was really so beautiful. Tulips are one of my favourite flowers and I confess: I really wanted to take some home with me. 

Tulipmania11A sea of tulips! With those miniature houses and the windmill in the background, it really does feel like Holland huh!

Tulipmania14I figured this shirt was most appropriate when I dressed him this morning. It was a gift from his Kong Kong - we've never visited. Hopefully soon!

Tulipmania15Here's an interesting fact: I never knew tulips are likely to have originated from Central Asia.

Tulipmania16Gorgeous double-flowered tulips - the first time I'm seeing these. They almost look like peonies with al those petals. Love.

Tulipmania18"Yellow Flight", one to the varieties of tulips which we planted, as Noey very excited informed me.

Tulipmania19Pretty pink-purple (I can't decide!) tulips with with yellow centres.  

Tulipmania17Lovely hyacinth flowers which were interspersed with the tulips. 

Tulipmania is on at the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay now till 4 May 2014, so this is your last weekend to catch it. Don't miss it! A second series of tulips bulbs were planted over the course of the past week so if you're wondering if there will still be blooms now at the tail end of the run, the answer is: yes there are! Be warned though that this flower display is very popular and there was a very long line of people waiting to buy their tickets when we visited. So if you're thinking of going to view the display, do yourselves a favour and buy your tickets online before you arrive. 

(By the way, the 50% discount on tickets to the Flower Dome for senior citizens is still on till 4 May as well. Don't forget to take advantage this great deal!)

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