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Friday, June 20, 2014

Travelling with Petite Travellers

We've mostly been grounded this June school holidays. Save for a short trip up north to Malaysia for our annual church camp (and Legoland thereafter!), we've mostly been hanging around Singapore and keeping very busy. My husband thinks I'm incapable of taking it slow and sometimes I think he's right.

But whilst we have not been travelling much, travel has very much been on our minds, and today, I'm excited to be able to share something that a group of my friends and I have been working on. Presenting… Petite Travellers! A collaborative travel blog about family-friendly holidays for discerning little people, Petite Travellers sprung out of our passion for travel, even with kids in tow. It's been fun getting this new blog off the ground and we hope to grow Petite Travellers into a useful reference for parents travelling with their littles.

We've all contributed posts to kick this off and I decided to write about Sydney, one of our regular travel destinations. We've spent quite a bit of time visiting different attractions in and around Sydney from which I've distilled out our favourite ones. Hop on over to read my recommendations for family-friendly attractions for little ones near the heart of Sydney!

Sydney: Recommended city attractions for Under-6s.


We'll be updating regularly so I do hope you'll visit and bookmark the site. Do also visit Petite Travellers' Facebook Page and like us for more updates. Looking forward to bringing you more travel news! 

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