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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tis Me!

Hello world, tis me! After receiving many queries asking how I am through e-mail, IM,sms and even through my parents, I'm here, a little shamefaced, to let you know that I've been great, but obviously too lazy to blog.

Since easing into the 2nd trimester (currently 17 weeks!) life's been a LOT better - the days pass by more quickly and I've gotten my energy back. So much so that we're actually going to be off on a trip this weekend for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. In fact, make that 18 days! I don't know how long we've been dreaming of taking a long break. It's not the sabbtical that we would have liked -- with the new addition on the way, that idea would probably have to be shelved. But we couldn't resist trying to cash in on the low US Dollar, so come Saturday we're off to:

San Francisco and Las Vegas!

More like San Francisco-Yosemite-Monterey/Carmel-Las Vegas-Grand Canyon really. Nature and wildlife for DD and shopppppping for me :)

The fact we going to be in Vegas during the Memorial Day weekend (read: SALES!) was an unplanned but welcome bonus. I'm really hoping to find some nice maternity wear and nice stuff for baby aka Little Being. Now if only he/she would let us know if he/she is a boy or girl...

So yes, I'm going to go MIA yet again real soon. Oops. I'll be back. And in the meantime, all suggestions of where to go/what to do are welcome!


  1. Hoo hoo!!! Take more PICTURES!!!

    and take good care of yourself yeah :)

  2. Anonymous16/5/08 00:24

    Great to know that you're well and feeling better. :)

    Enjoy the hol!

  3. wow wow! Have a good time and take care. it's gg to be a long flight. What about gg to Napa Valley?

  4. I can foreseee lots of baby clothes!!
    Have fun and take care! :)

  5. shutterbug >> daryl's certainly going to take them - he's stocked up on memory with his new 8G card. haha.

    b.muse >> thanks gal! hope you've been doing well as well!

    sharon >> yeah, not looking forward to the flight. hopefully it won't be too painful and i can catch up on some movies i've missed. we might do a day trip to napa from SF. but since i can't drink alcohol nor eat unpasteurized cheese, we decided not to dedicate too much time to it.

    lilsnooze >> haha, yeah, that's why i really want to know if it's a boy or girl!

  6. Anonymous16/5/08 10:07

    oh how very nice! i'm sure you'll have a wonderful trip! yes, please do get more maternity clothes and baby clothes. I went to take a look at Spring clothes, and they were AWFUL!

    take care and have fun, babe. isn't the second trimester soooo great, haha! :)

  7. have fun and take good care of urself!! =p cheerrss and enjoy!

  8. Anonymous16/5/08 16:33

    Have great fun!!

  9. Wow, can't imagine all that shopping, heheheheh!

    Have a great break! :)

  10. have loads of fun! :)

  11. Anonymous18/5/08 18:43

    looks like I popped by too late! Anyway, Have a great trip :)

  12. Anonymous20/5/08 17:11

    FWAH! Enjoy!!!

  13. woops, dropped by too late!

    the USD is such a temptation! lots of pretty baby clothes!



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