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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bedtime Stories

It's been a very LONG couple of weeks.

Work has kept me in the office till late on most nights and trooping into the office on weekends. As you can imagine, I was not a happy camper. But at least, on this long stretch unlike on previous long stretches, I had Little Being for company. And while there were uncomfortable moments, like when he would randomly decide to kick me - HARD - in the bladder or squish himself high up somewhere under my bosom while I was sitting through a long meeting (and there were many of those). But mostly his squirming around made for a happy distraction -- and also a happy reminder that after Oct I would be FREE of this nonsense for a while!

And even though I got home pretty late and DD himself was pretty from his work commitments, we always tried to make time for our recently developed bedtime ritual: Little Being's story time.

After reading about how he should take the opportunity to bond with the baby even now before he is born, we decided that in addition to daily chats, it would be fun to introduce Little Being early to bible stories, a duty that DD has taken to rather enthusiatically. I find it really cute.

With the twirly-whirly bumps, the burst of energy, the good appetite, and also the ample baby bonding time, no wonder they call the 2nd trimester the honeymoon trimester!


  1. this is extremely heartwarming. bringing up your kid in the way of the Lord right from the beginning, i see.

    *big smile*

  2. Anonymous2/7/08 22:03

    soooo cute! add in some serious classical music and he will also (apparently) be a genius! ;D

  3. U guys are really quick on this! We only started reading to nat when he was born..and erh we havn't been very consistent! :P

  4. That is really sweet. Despite both your busy schedules, you make time for things like this :)

  5. Anonymous3/7/08 08:54

    it nice to be doing these..reading to the baby. Certainly it gives all couples more fullfilling and lovely times

  6. i love the photo! so sweet...! so nice!

  7. michelle >> what better thing to read to him than bible stories! must induct him young. haha.

    nat >> haha, haven't progressed to that stage yet!

    lilsnooze >> i think it's easier now than with a wriggly baby! haha. let's see whether we can really keep it up when baby is here!

    corsage >> DD is hoping that baby will recognise him too when he's born! so he's trying to talk to baby everyday. we thought the reading was just a good way for him to carry on speaking! it's really pretty fun.

    silver-crv >> i'm sure you have plenty more experience with this!

    elaine >> haha, thanks. shooting blind so had quite a number of failures before i got a decent shot.

  8. awwwwww that's so cute! i totally agree that it's a great way for Little Being to enjoy listening to stories (esp since we all know what colourful stories DD has about his childhood haha)! At least LB is getting good ol bible stories.. YK got the Economist *yawn*



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