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Friday, July 04, 2008

The Not-Quite-Essentials

I started with the best intentions.

When Daph buzzed me to give me the heads-up on the Tangs 12% sale on the 2-3 Jul, I thought it would be the ideal time to get a start on working through the list of essential items that different friends had provided to me. You know, stuff like the stroller! crib! car seat! pumps! awholebunchofothernecessarybabyaccessories!

Instead I walked away with:

1 pacifier with a terribly cute turtle in the centre and 1 "I love Daddy and Mummy" milk bottle.

This despite the fact that I: (1) haven't decided whether I would want to start baby on the pacifier at all, and (2) am going to try to breastfeed so may not require bottles quite just yet.

Sigh. I guess this is what happens when I go shopping with your best friend and you get sidetracked by cute stuff that you both just can't resist! All I can say is, thank goodness we didn't also get this really cute bathmat (also a turtle!) that we spotted. I can so imagine DD rolling his eyes at that...

(I did get an airpot and a toaster too though so at least that was productive! Err, right, DD?)


  1. Haha it is so easy to get distracted!

  2. ahaahah..the milk bottle is cute!!!

  3. ha at least they're REALLY cute! :)

    fret not babe.. there will be more sales! If not, try Kiddy Palace! :) They have almost everything (if you go to a big outlet) and...

    .... *sheepish* i have a discount card


  4. a pacific and milk bottle ARE essentials. =P

  5. lilsnooze >>yesssh, esp when the essentials are just not as cute!

    elaine >> yeah, even the cashier thought so and asked me where i got it! (i paid on a separate floor)

    kopikia >> haha, you're the best lah babe - from clothes to discount cards... i don't think i could survive this pregnancy quite so well without you!

    michelle >> heh! thanks for the affirmation!

  6. Hello! I know how you feel...Am in the exact same boat and have not yet purchased anything of significance. My 3in1 steriliser is still ahead as my biggest purchase! I say 'go all out!' with the cute stuff now cos it's only a matter of time before it's your kid's turn to "roll his eyes" at stuff you buy for him right? hehe!



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