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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3rd Tri!

Babycentre's 27 week notification popped into my mailbox to remind me that I'm officially into the 3rd trimester - Yikes! Where did the 2nd trimester go?

But even without the notification, I've also noted with some resignation that I've been feeling a little more tired and my body a little more heavy recently. DD's been rather amused that I seem to be such a textbook case when it comes to the general symptoms of each trimester, albeit on a milder scale: 1st tri -- sleepy and somewhat nauseous, 2nd -- tri bursting with energy, 3rd tri -- slower and somewhat tired. He's been trying to encourage me along, telling me that "the 2nd trimester is an attitude!" Haha. I guess he's kinda sorry to see the energetic me fade away!

One of the funny things that has happened recently (which is again another case of me having textbook symptoms -- I'm starting to feel REALLY WARM, especially when at bedtime when I'm about to go to sleep. And if you know me, you'll know that I'm usually always COLD. So it's been a bit of a role reversal between DD and I recently where I'm the one asking for the air-con to be turned on (we usually sleep with just the fan) and he's all huddled under the blanket while I sleep on top of the sheets to keep cool! I even woke up in the middle of the night a few nights back to turn the temperature down because it was just too warm to sleep, at the same time feeling rather bad for DD as he was trying to ward off a cold. Oops.

Anyway, I never got round to putting this up but the 26th week update really made me smile -- guess we've on the right track with the reading!

Wonder what week 28 will bring?


  1. Anonymous16/7/08 17:52

    it's normal!!! I always felt that I was living in a sauna during pregger days. In fact, I slept with the air conditioning set at 18C. My hubby thought I had gone mad. But now, I'm back to feeling cold again.

  2. Anonymous16/7/08 19:40

    3rd tri already! Last stretch! Time to really finish up the shopping! I'm 3 weeks behind, still feeling alright, but much fatter, haha!

  3. muffin girl >> haha, 18C is really cold! it's kinda nice not to be cold all the time though!

    yuling >> hee, you too - jia you!

  4. Anonymous26/7/08 09:15

    Things are just only going to get warmer and more exhausting as the weeks go by. But it's all worth it! :) Jia You girl.



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