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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting Ready

Maybe it's what they call the nesting instinct.

This week I've just been all edgy and restless to GET THINGS SORTED in the last leg of this pregnancy - Buy stuff! Renovate the room! Pack pack pack! Despite the fact that I (a) am definitely not the packing sort (and can remain oblivious to mess in an utterly non-female manner), and (b) dislike making calls and hounding suppliers, I found myself doing both this week.

The result unfortunately is that our house is now a mess - our ex-study has been kind of taken apart and all the stuff in there is now al over the foor. Gulp. It's progress, but I honestly get a bit panicky every time I walk past and see the mess.

On top of the physical preps, I've also been bugging poor DD to focus (together with me of course) to settle Little Being's name. We've got a handful of names we're leaning towards, but nothing confirmed, so I taken to calling him 无名recently, which has been subsequently expanded to 无名小翁 (ie. Nameless Little Ong) by DD. Haha. Poor baby. Guess this indecisive Daddy and Mummy-to-be should get a move on!

Our idea of searching for names while in San Francisco
Ricardo, anyone?

By way of explanation: DD's been hung up on these Spanish names for the longest time cos he gets a kick out of how funny they sound with our Chinese surnames. Ricardo is his latest favourite. Yes, that's my husband for you. And no, there's no way my kid is going to be named Ricardo. Or Sergio for that matter.

Now to call my Mum to call the contractor...


  1. hahahah, the naming should be quite fun! but Ricardo, really sounds kinda interesting! hahahah!

  2. ricardo sounds like he's gonna be some footballer. and the first spanish guy's name that came to mind was Fernando.

  3. Anonymous4/8/08 16:32

    Fret not! I heard of many couples who name their little ones only after they are born!

    Ah, that nesting instinct - i get that all the time! hehe :p

  4. elaine >> it's actually a bit stressful - wouldn't want my kid to be stuck with a terrbile name for life!

    michelle >> aiyoh, fernando is definitely on his list! so is rafa. SIGH. (no prizes for guessing his inspiration!)

    yuling >> yeah, but i want to have a shortlist at least that we can nail it once we see him!



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