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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tis the Season for Durians!

We've been hankering after durians, but being the lazy people that we are, it was only when other kind souls decided to buy the durians that we got our hands on some! KL and Weng sent out the invite and we gladly descended on Weng's place on Fri night to get our hands on the good stuff.

It's actually been quite a while since we've all met up so it was a great time to catch up, especially with Nat back in town for the 1st time in almost 3 years. No better time to bring out the durians, I say.

Weng hard at work cracking 'em open -- there were 18 durians altogether and I think we managed to eat our way through most (despite some inital misgivings)!

DD and Nat enjoying the fruits of his labour. These were the initial $1 durians, which were not bad, but definitely not as good as the D24s et al later.

Sophie's first taste of durian, and she really wasn't impressed...

Yup, fingers definitely taste much better.

And pears, especially with a handful of Mummy's shirt!

I think Little Being enjoyed it though - his Mummy sure did! Am feeling positively heaty now though! Oops. And I've still got the yummy Goodwood durian puffs in my fridge...


  1. Oh! We just had durians too! But we bought the ready packed ones. har har. Baby Sophie is SO sweet! Lovely eyes :)

  2. remind me how old sophie is? Hee.

    Oh goody, its good to let little being have a taste of durian! :)

  3. corsage >> the good thing about ready packed ones is that you can put them in the fridge! cold durian... yummy... sophie is really sweet - we totally love her :)

    lilsnooze >> she's coming on 9 months - about 1 month and a bit older than Nat :) yes, must inculcate the taste for durian in baby!



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