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Monday, September 29, 2008

False Alarm

And I lost 300g while Little Being gained 200g! Hurray!

That is probably however due to the diarrhea that I suffered over Thursday and Friday, which on the flip slide, gave us a little scare on Friday morning when I started suffering contractions. After throwing up most of what I had earlier ingested in the wee hours of the morning, I was truly miserable when around 5.30am, I was starting suffering waves of pain in the abdomen. After checking my clock as they rolled around and finding no real discernible pattern, I figured it was more likely than not stomach pains from the stomach upset that I was having and tried to go to sleep.

Unfortunately the feeling didn't just go away and DD later found me at 6.30am curled up on the couch in an attempt to find a more comfortable position. He thought there was a possibility of them being real labour contractions and went to grab a watch to start timing them. All that led to some funny moments between us when we tried to figure out what contractions felt like and whether what I was having counted as contractions or just some general pain. DD even when to grab a book and the descriptions just confused me further. Haha. All I did know was that when the pain rolled round, IT HURT. Oww.

Between the 2 of us and lots of confused "I-think-that-was-a-contraction-s", we timed a string of them about 10 mins apart. DD was all nervous excitement, but I wasn't 100% convinced, especially when the pain started to ease off somewhat. Since we had a doctor's appointment later in the day anyway and he had to get to work, I decided to try to sleep for a bit and shooed DD off to work with promises that I would go down to the doctor/call the doctor once the clinic opened if I felt any worse. Of course, since I finally managed to drop off to sleep, I figured it was a false alarm, something which Dr Wong confirmed when we saw her later in the afternoon. Apparently diarrhea can bring on labour! Something about the irritation to the uterus.

Anyhow, I'm feeling better now, but Dr Wong did say that since baby's head is rather low, it could be any day... A false alarm it may have been, but Friday's incident has actually brought home the fact that our baby will be here SOON, and in a way, mentally prepared us for the real thing. One thing's for sure, if these initial contractions were anything to go by, I'll be looking to pain relief for sure for the real deal!


  1. Anonymous29/9/08 10:03

    What a scare! Hope you can get a good no-work rest before popping!

  2. oh dear, poor you!! first the cough and now the upset tummy... :(
    but eh, exciting hor? heehee. when it finally rolls around, or if your waterbag pops by itself, that will be the real exciting time, i tell you. hang in there!!

  3. Anonymous29/9/08 11:38

    oh no! hope u're all ok now. funny feelings in the tummy. very exciting! don't work too hard these 2 days. keep us updated!!

  4. Anonymous29/9/08 16:20

    Oh, nearer than I thought! Have a safe birth :)

  5. OOH! so exciting! hey guess what, i was having diarrhoeas left right centre towards the due date too! My gynae said I have an irritated uterus, which could (converse to what your gynae told you), bring on diarrhoeas! haha

    take care babe.. any day now! :)

  6. Oooh anytime now!
    Keep us updated!

    God bless you for a quick and smooth delivery!And painless! ;)

  7. yuling >> yeah, am looking forward to sometime kicking back on my heels!

    peifen >> i hope it won't be too exciting really!

    debra >> near, far, only God (and baby) know! thanks :)

    kopikia >> haha! you know, maybe that could be the case for me too -- can't think what i could have eaten when DD seems fine...

    lilsnooze >> thanks dear! actually i'm not too sure how soon "anytime" would be -- could still be a while!

  8. Anonymous30/9/08 19:47

    Don't worry, contractions will be very obvious, they are DAMN painful!! Haha.



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