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Thursday, October 16, 2008

2 Weeks On

Our Noey's 2 weeks old today and so far, he's been, for the most part, a real sweetie.

Since arriving in our world, he seems to have adjusted incredibly well, leaving his Mum and Dad wondering what the fuss about how a baby would turn our lives upside down was all about. (Of course, now I'm afraid I've jinxed it by saying this but I really think he deserves some credit here!) Since the first hour when I latched him on shortly after birth, he's been a good feeder, as evidenced by the many poopy diapers we've had to deal with. The result of the hospital's relentless schedule of sending him in every 3 hours to suckle perhaps, but he's doing well in that respect and I can't complain. Sometimes maybe a little too well since the past couple of days he's been starting to get up more frequently and needing a feed every 2 hours. But since my goal is to make him GROW I guess I just have to put up with it! And other than crying for a feed (which is 80% of his cry-time), he's pretty much been a good natured baby, happy to sleep or randomly kick around and occasionally demand to be carried.

It hasn't all been completely smooth sailing -- on his first night back, he decided he wanted to be awake in the middle of the night and fuss for more than an hour, leaving his brand new and then confinement help-less parents confused and struggling.

But since then, he's gradually moved his awake time to the daylight hours mostly. My favourite times are in the morning after the confinement nanny has given him a bath and he's all sweet smelling and awake, curious but not fussing. That's when I love to hold him and stare at him, or prop him up on my bed against a pillow and talk to him while he does his own thing. It's so incredibly cute.

So everything is good in the Ong household so far. Wonder what the next weeks would bring? Whatever the case, I must say, it's been way better having baby out that in!


  1. his eyes are soooooooo huge!! definitely looks like you, even two weeks on. and i totally second you here... better the baby out than the baby in! enjoy your little boy!

  2. hi lil Noah! :D
    continue to be a good boy to mummy k? hugs, Vera... sounds like everything's going positively well.

    (and I just noticed your ticker says you're 41 weeks preggers)

  3. Cant' wait to finally see him tmr!

  4. Oh wow, he has the biggest eyes! Like yours :)

  5. Yeah, I agree he looks a lot like you! Mummyhood is sounding good! :)

  6. hoho don't speak so soon dear... for some reason, babies start their fussing only after the confinement lady has left. I know mine did. Keke...

    Anyway noah looks so adorable!

    You might want to look out / read up on growth spurts - periods when baby seems more fussy than usual. They're also called wonder weeks coz baby acquires new cognitive skills during these times. Because the new skills affect the way they perceive the world, babies tend to become a little edgy and want mummy-comfort more during growth phases.

    You can check out this site for some info on the wonder weeks.


  7. he has very intense eyes. starting to see traces of D in noah now.. :)

  8. ohhhhhhhhh he's soooooooo cuuuuuute!!!!!!!!! *gush gush gush&

    hehehe! :) I miss newbies!!!! i'm so glad that he's pooping well!! :)) very important..hahaha

    how are you feeling though?? enough zzzs?? need more chicken essence? hahaha

  9. Hi! Your little one is such a sweetie! It's great that he's such a good natured baby, mine is quite a screamer! My confinement lady leaves tomorrow so I hope I can cope as well as you do!!

  10. he looks so alert!!! just like he was in the hospital!! :)

  11. pei fen :: yup, baby's way more fun out -- then someone else can help carry him! haha.

    ruth :: thanks for pointing out the ticker error. gosh, 41 weeks pregnant would just be too much!

    lilsnooze :: 'twas good to see you!

    olimomok :: yay, that was the one feature of mine i was hoping he'll have!

    nannie :: haha, yeah, i know i'll prb have to eat my words later! but well. thanks for the helpful links!

    candice :: oh, DD will be so happy to hear that -- he was bemoaning the fact that noah doesn't look like him at all!

    kopikia :: aiyoh the chicken essence! i finish one box and someone will decide to give me another box! sob sob... otherwise feeling ok - i actually generally don't need much sleep, a trait that has come in pretty handy these days!

    madmoneymonkey :: i'm not sure how i'll do when my confinement lady leaves either! i might suddenly find myself wondering where my good baby went!

  12. he has such intense expressions on his face! And very lovely eyes. It is very nice to read about your early experiences as a new mum :)

  13. sounds like you are enjoying motherhood and that's really great! lil' Noah is such a sweetie :) love reading your baby posts!



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