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Monday, October 06, 2008

Little Being Noah Ong

He's here!

Little Noah Ong
Arrived on 2 October 2008, 1932 hrs

Yes, Little Being's finally got a name. We had always wanted to pick a biblical name and it is our prayer that he would walk with God as Noah of old did.

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD... Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

- Genesis 6:8-9

Thanks to all who visited us in the hospital. We're back home, safe and sound and both his Daddy and I are totally enamoured our new little son and like all new parents, think our baby is the cutest thing ever.

More when we stop staring at him. (And unpacking all that chicken essence!) In the meantime, more photos can be found here.


  1. Noah's so cute!! he looks tanned!

  2. Anonymous7/10/08 00:34

    Congratulations!!! :D

  3. Anonymous7/10/08 01:23


  4. Anonymous7/10/08 01:44

    lol : chicken essence! :D

    welcome Noah!

  5. Anonymous7/10/08 08:57

    Congrats!! Very very cute baby Noah! Glad to know u are all well too! :)

  6. Congrats!! He looks so cute!! =p and mummy looks great too!

  7. Anonymous7/10/08 10:45

    Hi my name is Kelly and i'm a newborn baby photographer.
    Recently i photographed baby Elliot (Amanda - madmoneymonkey@lj).

    Would you be interested to book a session with me? You can check out my portfolio in my website: http://kellysjyphotography.com
    or contact me at greyleaves@kellysjyphotography.com

    Congrats on your newborn! :)
    He's really cute.

    I hope you don't mind.
    And this is not a spam.

  8. congratulations new mommy!

  9. Anonymous7/10/08 11:17

    Congrats babe! Saw your FB status and came over to your site to see the pictures! He's a tanned and

  10. Anonymous7/10/08 11:48

    liverpool has a new fan! yeah!

  11. he is very very cute! and he looks just like you!

  12. Anonymous7/10/08 16:05

    Congrats. . . Welcome to parenthood.

  13. Anonymous7/10/08 19:40

    congratulations again! He looks like you!! Did anyone tell u that yet? The eyes especially! Rest well in the meantime :)

  14. Congrats!

    Let us know when it's ok to come kaypoh and see you and noah! ;)

  15. Anonymous8/10/08 11:02

    Welcome, little one! He has your eyes and nose, V!

  16. congrats!! came by your blog from my friend's. my son's got the same birthday as Noah! while you were happily being relieved from the labour process at 1932, I was going through the active phase. lol

  17. Anonymous8/10/08 16:16

    Congrats dear! Your little one is so lovely :) He looks really like u!

  18. Anonymous9/10/08 15:28

    Congrats!! The little one looks like you! And what a beautiful name and matching verse to call his own!

  19. Anonymous9/10/08 17:45

    Hey congrats! yes, let's us know when it's ok to visit...

  20. A big congratulations. The proud grandpa smsed us the good news at the very first hour. Thanks be to God

    From uncle Peter and aunty Shirley

  21. Thanks all! We're totally enjoying him at the moment.

    Kelly, thanks for the offer -- your pics are really cute! But my husb loves snapping shots of little Noah so I think we'll DIY for the moment...



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