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Sunday, October 19, 2008


It's been 2 weeks into confinement and already I look forward to our doctor's appointments cos they give me a reason to get out of the house with just DD and little Noey in tow. How sad is that?

Anyway, we've thus made 2 excursions back to TMC over the last 2 weeks, the first for Noey's first review with the Paed on the Wednesday following his birth, and the second the following Wednesday to our O&G doctor to get me checked out. I'm very encouraged that our baby has shown himself to be fairly easy to bring around -- as long as I'm around to pop in a feed when necessary!

Here he is, barely a week old here, sleeping (and looking rather scrunched up) in his car seat...

...and sleeping in Daddy's arms while waiting at the clinic

... and half-asleep through a feed while we wait for our car. (My first breastfeeding-on-the-go session down successfully!)

By the way, the breastfeeding turned out to be really useful when it was time for him to get his blood taken for the jaundice and metabolism screen -- I happened to be feeding him at that time and as a result, he didn't even flinch when they poked him to draw blood. Whew.

Now I find myself dreaming of jaunts out of the house with baby once the month is over. Can't wait for confinement to be over so that I can get my life back again -- meet friends, run my errands, eat non-Chinese food, have more English conversation... My confinement nanny speaks only Chinese and there's only that much conversation I can carry on in Chinese. I already think my Mandarin has shown some signs of improvement over the last 2 weeks!

Then again, once confinement is over, I'll be left to cope on my own and I'm not sure how I'd fare! Guess I'll just have to take things as they come. Wish me luck!


  1. oh that infamous car waiting area at TMC!! lol. good job with the feeding, mummy! you're looking great.

  2. Hehe, I rem I was too shy to feed in public at our first paed visit! U r doing very well!

  3. Wow you're taking into breastfeeding really well! Good for you and Noah :) Nice breastfeeding cloth thing too. I'm sure you have them in different colors/designs? hee

  4. You look great, and baby Noah seems so sweet and cute! :)

  5. hooray!!!!!! you're doing so well!!! :))) BF-ing in public seems like a breeze when you do it! hehe

  6. u're looking good!!! all radiant!!!

  7. you look like you're coping really well!

  8. Breastfeeding in public looks like such a breeze for you!

    Rest well, mommy. Hope to see ya soon! :)

  9. you look great!! :) Noah's been a good baby! heh.

  10. Your baby reminds me of mine! Full head of hair and long eyes! Hee.

    Good on you with the breastfeeding! I wish I had perserved harder with it! Now that my confinement aunty is gone, I wish I had gone completely breastmilk so I don't have to wash bottles, make milk, clean and sterilize bottles at 3am. Groan.

  11. keep up the good work. Nature will take it course (although there be some panicky) once the nanny leaves. You can do it!

  12. pei fen :: yah, might as well put my time waiting for the car to good use!

    lilsnooze :: took my cue from sophie's mummy who was the super calm abt bf-ing anywhere. decided that was the only way i'll be able to still carry on with interacting with others normally!

    corsage :: haha, yes, i currently have 3! but they were all gifts! may need to get some other colours to, erm, match my wardrobe...

    b.muse :: thanks babe! haven't heard from you in a bit. hope you're doing well...

    kopikia :: haha, i just decided to be thick-skinned about it and just whack! getting increasingly nonchalant about exposing myself. eeps.

    imp :: thanks! not feeling so radiant these days tho from being cooped up at home!

    candice :: i try lah. there are tough days too...

    yuling :: it helps when baby is coopoerative! hope you're doing well too!

    lingz :: he has mostly, but recently he's been a bit more demanding!

    madmoneymonkey :: yah, i think i never realised how alike newborns look! guess there's only that much differentiation possible on such a tiny face.

    silver-crv :: thanks for the encouragement! i think i'll need it. haha.



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