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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Snack Bar Mummy

Hello, I'm Snack Bar Mummy.

This week, my good baby who fed every 3 or so hours and then popped back to sleep shortly after decided that he would like to stay awake for most of the day and feed every hour or so.

I feel like AM food on tap.

I appreciate the fact that it has resolved some of the minor engorgement issues I was having but geez, I'm really getting somewhat worn out by constantly having to cradle my baby to the breast as he gets increasingly cranky as the day wears on and supply runs low. We try variously to pat or rock him to sleep (I take turns with the confinement nanny) in between the feeds but he's been winning our tussles. Either that or he'll fall asleep briefly only to jerk himself awake again. And this baby of mine just won't be satisfied by anything else if he wants to eat so I just have to latch him on and hope he settles.

The book says baby goes through a growth spurt in the 3rd week so I'm guessing that's what this is. I was also somewhat reassured after DD came home from church today reporting on a conversation he'd had with our church friend Rachel (whose baby is 2 months old) who assured him that the symptoms exhibited by our baby of feeding every hour and just slurping it down at night were standard at this time. Guess I'll just have to ride it out...

Then again, whenever I look at this face, I always find it hard to be upset! God clearly made babies cute for a reason!


  1. he's adorable. I would melt too if I cuddle him.

  2. you cracked the code!! definitely a growth spurt there. noah sounds like kristy too, with the cluster feedings at night...
    i've heard that sometimes, babies will regress slightly before going forward to a new milestone. so i'm just enjoying her sleeping through the night for now... coz who knows how long that will last!!

  3. Hang in there!

    Is it me but it seems he has grown so fast already! Must be all the goodness of mummy's milk :)

  4. he looks so grown up.. that lil boy. :)

  5. Aww, look at those big eyes!!! FEED HIM, MUMMY!!!

  6. He looks different...he's grown too. Well done mummy! ;)

    Totally know how u feel...it's really like feeding is the only agenda for the day (besides diaper changing)..but to see him grow, totally worth it.

    Have you grasp feeding him while lying on yr side? That was the best position for me, esp when I'm tired and for night feeds.

  7. muffin girl :: haha, he's a little less cute when he wakes me every hour at night!

    pei fen :: sleeping through the night! am soooo looking forward to him doing that!

    corsage :: he's been changing over the last few weeks, and he's definitely put on weight!

    lingz :: i think he looks more like a baby and less like a wrinkled newborn nowadays.

    olimomok :: haha, i am, i am! sigh.

    lilsnooze :: i think it's the angle, but yah, his face has been changing as he grows -- can't believe he'll be 1 month soon! yah, after all that feeding, he'd better be putting on weight! have tried lying down to feed which is so much better, but the couple of times i did that i felt he didn't drain the breast as well and i got some blocked ducts the next day. would have to try again soon cos i need.to.lie.down.



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