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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mums and Babes

Baby and I have had a busy week, with the playdate last Friday, the wedding on Sunday, our usual jaunt over to my parents' place on Tuesday and the visit with Mich and Sophie on Wednesday. The appointments were good for me but not as much for Noey. Especially after the marathon on church and wedding last Sunday, my poor baby has been rather fragile -- a little clingy-er and more tired.

So when the babes asked me along to the mummies and babies gathering on Thursday evening (I don't think that was the intention but that's how it turned out!), I reluctantly decided that it would probably be best for Noah to take a break from the socialising, but his Mummy definitely needed to go out and meet her friends! Thankfully my Mum was available to step in to babysit for the evening so this Mummy could skip out for a couple of hours for dinner.

It was a lovely evening with the 3 babies in tow. And they were all so good! Little Elliot was so chill he let me carry him without a fuss, and later managed to snooze in his stroller while we carried on with dinner, Kristy sat pretty on her Mummy's lap and fell asleep amidst the chatter, and Nat sat in his high chair almost the entire time, munching on bread and variously being distracted by his Mummy and her bag of toys. Wow. If Noah was there he would have been the only one fussing and needing a carry (and lots of walking around).

In the end I, the baby-less one, had to leave first since I'd told my Mum I wouldn't be long and I need to maintain the goodwill there or risk there being no more babysitting in the future.

Thanks for a lovely evening babes. And for the adult conversation.


  1. Wow, Noah sure has a v busy social calendar!

    Thanks for entertaining Nat at times when this mummy needed to scoop food into her mouth! ;)

  2. Anonymous1/12/08 12:22

    I volunteer to carry Noah at our next outing! He is toooo cute!!

  3. Lilsnooze:: It's his mummy needing to get out, so Noah has to go too! Awww, Nat's a sweetheart. I've obviously got to practice entertaining toddlers a bit better though!

    Amanda:: Haha, you might regret saying that once he starts squirming!



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