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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Taking the Bottle

The night after he turned 4 weeks old, we decided to give Noah his first bottle of expressed breastmilk.

Daddy DD was the most excited about it since it gave him a chance to be directly involved in the feeding process. I on the other hand was excited about the prospect of being relieved from some of the continuous feeding that goes on here everyday. But for baby? It was happily a non-event. Roused from his sleep for his feed, he took to the offered bottle teat and sucked down 4 ounces in about 5 minutes, taking only 3 pause breaks the entire time.

Excited Daddy and sleepy baby. Me? I see freedom!

As part of the grand plan to schedule baby somewhat and hopefully give me more of a break from the night feeds, we're hoping to work in a bottle as a late feed to encourage him to sleep a little longer and hopefully through the night. Which is good except that I don't like pumping -- it makes me feel more like a cow than ever! Ah well, all for the greater good (ie. me being able to get out more and for longer!)

By the way, I decided to take a couple of spoonfuls of breastmilk to test if the milk was okay since we'd left it out for a bit while waiting for baby to wake up, and honestly, it tastes disgusting! I seriously don't understand how he could drink the stuff! Ah baby, you'll have to wait quite a few months before you taste real food...


  1. hahaha breast milk really tastes that disgusting?!

  2. Anonymous3/11/08 08:52

    I can understand that.The process of "pumping" is sure tired and never stop for while now. Sure it bring good for the kid and happiness and satisraction on the mommy's face. :)

    Noah looks so handsome and big boy! I want to carry him someday.. :D

  3. Anonymous3/11/08 10:14

    Good boy Noah!
    As for the pumping, I found a good position, so I can now read a book while the pump does the cow thingy! Go experiment! Hope you'll enjoy the pumping a little more - it's here to stay, no doubt about that!

  4. Keke I learnt how to pump and blog read at the same time (what to do, that's my only me-time then!).

    I must say...he's pretty fast in taking in 4oz already!

    Oh, u might have to wake and pump during the night too, so as to let the milk prdn continue on or face engorgement in the morning. That's why I rather nurse Nat direct at night.

  5. oh if you would dare try the formula, you'll realize your milk actually taste heavenly. then you'll be inspired to feed him more coz you feel lousy he's drinking that crap. lol. but my pumping cannot keep up with my kid's appetite. argh



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