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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Turning Two

2 Months old today and what amazing 2 months they have been. Happy Birthday Baby Noey.

I don't think anything really prepared us for your presence and how much you will consume our time and energy, and how much we would come to love you. In the 1st month, we learnt a lot about you and the little person that you are:

  • You love your baths, especially when flipped on your tummy, facing the water. When flipped on your back, not so much.
  • You love sleeping on your tummy on Daddy's chest. Daddy loves that you're so comfortable lying on him that he's always trying to put you to sleep that way, though recently he's been putting himself to sleep as well!
  • You love being carried upright and hate being cradled (except when nursing). Good thing your neck is surprisingly strong for a newborn.
  • You make a lot of noise, grunting and squirming, when you have gas or need to poop. I don't understand why when you're on a liquid diet. You also make this particular face when you need to poop where you purse your lips into an "o". We find it terribly cute.

  • You hiccup a lot and when you get going, you take a long time to stop. Poor baby. I think it bothers everyone else more than it does you though. Except when you need to sleep. You get frustrated when that happens.
  • And when you want to feed, almost NOTHING can distract you from your single minded determination get food, pronto. You'd wave your arms and legs madly asking for milk. You drink like a champ though.

But in your 2nd month, you've come to develop your own little personality.

You're such a chatty baby, full of coos and caws and other interesting sounds. I have long conversations with you where you respond to my questions and pauses in my conversation with your own opinions. I love it when that happens, though it has often been in the morning when I'm still barely awake. You seem to be a morning person, quite unlike both of your parents.

While you've always been an alert baby, this month you started really tracking everyone with your eyes when they call out to you or wander into your line of sight. That bit of recognition is particularly gratifying to your parents here.

You poop like clockwork between 6-8am every morning. I'm always hoping that you'll decide to get start your attempts closer to 8am rather 6am since you still make heck of a lot of noise while you're trying to get it out and I often need to cradle and feed you before you eventually manage to poop. Sometimes you end up sleeping in our bed cos I'm too tired to put you back in your cot repeatedly. It's hard work, baby, so you've got to learn to do it all on your own.

You've been more awake as compared to your first month and sometimes, you sleep in the funniest positions when you finally go down. We always have a good laugh when we catch you in a funny one, at your expense.

You're really happy when we strip you for a change. It's what I call your naked baby time.

Lately, you LOVE your mobile. You don't like to touch the dangling toys though. Whenever I grab your hands to try to get you to reach up to touch them you would resist and give me a frown as if to say "thanks but no thanks, Mum".

But the loveliest development this month has, of course, been your smiles. Everyone tries so hard just to elicit them from you. And mostly you've been generous.

We brought you out quite a bit this month -- you went on your first mall trip (Marina Square):

your first party aside from your 1st month celebration (Nathaniel's 1st birthday):

your first trip to church, your first playdate (with Raeann), and your first wedding (Auntie Daph's).

You've been a busy baby, though it's mostly because your Mummy needs to get out of the house a bit. Our home seems tinier than ever and while I love being your Mummy and being with you 24/7, I need other company too. So you've been along with me. You've generally been a good baby but you can't sleep in the noise outdoors so it's been tough on you mostly. Mummy has therefore tried to schedule visits to other homes and that's at least been easier. We'll learn together what's best for us both.

In the meantime, know that we love you --always have, and always will.


  1. Anonymous7/12/08 10:46

    Awww, so sweet.Happy two months, little Noah. You are so loved! :)

  2. isn't it amazing how much concentration they put into pooping? cuteness right!!
    i love all the pictures, especially his sleeping ones. SOOOOO very adorable!

  3. Happy 2 months Noah! Christian's so much like you. Maybe the both of you should meet up and talk about the joys of stripping.

  4. Anonymous9/12/08 16:20

    Aww, you write great Mummy letters!

  5. yuling:: :) they are all much loved, our precious babies!

    peifen:: yah, and so much effort too! i feel like telling him "dude, wait till you get some solid food!"

    michelle:: haha, i'm sure they would love to some day. babies also look so cute all stripped down.

    olimomok:: aww, thanks. the only trouble is i've got so much to say, it takes too long!

  6. Mummy's handsome boy indeed!! He is so so cute!!

  7. What a nice long summary of his milestones!

    Maybe boys just love being naked? Nat loves too...Haha.

  8. Amanda:: Haha, I didn't buy him that shhirt!

    Lilsnooze:: It's for me, so that I don't forget, esp since I'm not so good t filling up his baby book!



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