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Friday, December 19, 2008

We Like Visitors

Auntie Jud, Rae and Jon are in town and they popped over for visit on Wednesday to get acquainted with the little guy.

And this baby of mine really knew how to turn on the charm. Where he would fuss and fret if I were to carry him in a cradle position or sit him on my lap for too long, he willingly them carry him thus and threw in the smiles for good measure.

Noah with Uncle Jon, looking absolutely tiny next to him!

They caught him in a good mood, though he did start to fuss and need a feed towards the end.

And the proof that he bullies me, his Mummy? After they'd left and I was playing with him, he managed to poop right out his diaper and onto himself -- and me. Sigh. I was hoping incidents like that were an urban legend or that I would avoid it but alas, it was not to be. I'm particularly indignant cos (1) I was wearing white; (2) It wasn't as if I didn't put his diaper on properly -- I did but a combination of the angle and the force (I suppose!) forced it out; and (3) He gave a huge grin after he was done. Ah well.

Now I'm thinking I should maybe schedule more visitors so I'll have a good baby and they can help to carry him. I probably should warn them about the poop though. Or maybe not.


  1. how adorable! he certainly looks really happy in these pics. Btw you must have rushed with this post (to wash yourself? hee) coz of the typos! =) I had a baby pee on me once, but I haven't experienced poop!

  2. Aww, look at him laugh! He's enjoying himself!

    Kekeke, explosive dump Noah did! ;)

  3. corsage :: i was typing in the dark without my glasses! haha. baby was asleep (the only time i get to blog these days...) thanks for pointing out the typos -- i've corrected them!

    lilsnooze :: yah, it was explosive alright!

  4. haha, so 'zun'! Raeann did that to my dad-in-law, and we were all laughing so hard - a 'golden' present!

  5. Aww he's such a cutie, poop notwithstanding!

  6. i got pooped on before too!

  7. yuling:: he's done it a couple more times too! sigh.

    olimomok:: well, definitely more cute to me without the poop!

    lingz:: heh. all i can say is thank goodness all he eats is breastmilk!



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