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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Babies and Babes at the Botanics

After the last tea party, we got adventurous and decided to move the party outdoors. And so it was that last Saturday on the 2nd day of our long weekend, we packed our bubs and a whole load of grub and headed down to the Botanics for a real-life picnic. Incidentally Noah's first real-life picnic as well.

Given how it always rains on Good Friday, we were praying that the weather would be fine in the morning. The wet weather backup was our place but that didn't have to be called into action, much to DD's relief. He was super stressed thinking about the amount of packing we'd have to do to get our place presentable! Fortunately the day dawned bright and warm and we descended on the Gardens for our brunch date.

Being the picnic newbies that we were, we merrily laid out our mats beside the pond, only to look around and notice another group had -- more sensibly -- laid out their mats under the shade of some trees. Not to be deterred, we carried on with our food and nattering under the morning sun till the sun beat us into submission.

It really was a fine day, and Nat was dressed and ready to play!

My little explorer checking out the mat

Hanging out on Mummy's arm, munching (or rather, gumming) a teething biscuit. He has by this time shed quite a few articles of his clothing!

By late morning, it was HOT. The kids' faces said it all.



(It does help however when you have your own personal fan and Daddy at your service.)

We had by this time beat a hasty retreat into the nearby pavilion which provided some reprieve. And there we stayed till the early afternoon when the kids needed to be packed off for their various naps and other activities. I think we unanimously agreed that our next gathering would be indoors in air-conditioned comfort!

The customary group shot

More photos here.


  1. Can't wait to meet you girls again! We have to start planning soon! Hahaha.

  2. haha! the pictures of the babies looking very hot are too funny!

  3. Amanda :: Yah, given our track record! Actually I'm surprised we pulled off this picnic with no postponements!

    Candice :: I agree! that pic of Matt always makes me laugh. He looks so resigned in the heat!



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