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Friday, April 24, 2009

Standing Tall

Just an ordinary day... Chomp chomp chomp...

Hey Mum, you ready to take me out of here yet? Or will I have to do it myself?

Okay, I just need to FOCUS...



Look Ma, one hand!

I guess it's time to lower the cot again.


  1. Babe! Noah is SUPER advanced for his age! Ahhhh, I can't wait to see him!

  2. Well done Noah!

    Oh I rem the days of lowering the bed, which is like a sign of their upgrade ;)

  3. good job noah!
    i've given up lowering anything anymore... cot, playpen, etc... these days, i just put her on the floor! haha!

  4. Look at him go!!! Yes, better lower the cot already, at this rate, he'll be crawling out of it by next month!

  5. noey is SO CUTE!! he's got this huge range of expressions. he looks so ready to talk soon, like he's got a million things to tell u and DD!

  6. very very soon, he'll not want to stay inside. ;)

    was just telling keat today in some random chat about how we saw noah when he just arrived and now he's grown so much!

  7. He is so FAST!!! I'm really impressed by your son...

  8. wow, u must be so proud! He's growing so fast... Sometimes wish they'd slow down, sometimes wish they'd speed up so we'd get a bit of life-as-we-knew-it back... Parents, we're a hard lot to please, eh?

  9. wahhh.. got promotion for noah! :)

  10. i am guessing that it's not just pride you were feeling but also "i'm hoping your legs won't give way and you knock yourself against the cot"

    I'm sure after you took the last picture you put the camera down and removed him from his position. Lol

  11. yuling :: he's been wanting to stand since he was 3 months old so i'm not surprised he's finally managed to. sigh! yes, it's been too long!

    lilsnooze :: yah, on to the next level for him!

    pf :: i usually plonk him on the floor too, but the cot is useful for caging him up :) and also making sure he doesn't zoom off to lick some table/chair leg or appliance wire(!) like he's wont to do on the floor!

    amanda :: was trying to delay the lowering cos it's more difficult to put him into it but i think i can't put it off for much longer.

    imp :: yes, this one makes a lot of faces, like both his papa and me! oops. he's been going "eh!" a lot this month. it's v funny.

    candice :: yah, from hosp to now -- 6.5 months in a flash!

    choclitmom :: he just has always wanted to stand/walk! for everything else he's chugging along normally :)

    lyn :: you're right about the dilemma! i do think maybe it'll be easier when he can walk so i don't have to carry him (he is getting heavy) but i think i'll regret that once he's running around and i'm running after him.

    lingz :: yes, he's growing up. sniff!

    momo :: hee, ok, i knew his legs wouldn't give way but i was hoping he wouldn't lose his balance and kneel over. he thunked his head in an earlier attempt just minutes earlier. luckily the crib bumper cushioned him from the full impact. and yes, i dropped the camera in a hurry!

  12. Anonymous5/5/09 17:18

    Whee! Pretty soon he'll be running and you'll be struggling to catch him!



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