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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Upstairs and downstairs and in my ladies' chamber

Perhaps after honing his climbing skills at Fidgets, Noey decided he could scale the stairs! We popped over to meet up with David who was back for a bit, and he went for the staircase. Thinking he couldn't do any harm, I let him. But to my surprise, he managed to haul himself up the first step and just kept on going.

By the time we ran for the camera, he was nearly at the first stair landing. At that point he looked like he wanted to walk up the stairs instead! He had to be carried down eventually.

He hasn't repeated this stunt since my Mum flatly refused to let him demonstrate on her staircase for fear that she'll be chasing him over 2 levels instead of 1. Haha.

Somehow I get the feeling he'll be walking in no time. Not sure if that would be a good thing or not! Gulp!

And that reminds me: Got to go get the grills for our windows sorted...


  1. your mum's quite right on that count! :D

    but yeap, he'd get steadier in time to come! I'm just glad there arent any stairs at my flat.

  2. He's so good at climbing the stairs! So steady...I think he will start wanting to climb up everyday...he looks so eager...
    I miss my home and family in Singapore when I saw your house...

  3. Anonymous4/6/09 13:50

    I love your watching the photos of your cute and smiley son. He just look so happy! Always put a smile on my face.


  4. Im sure he'll be cruising around the house in no time ;)

    Eeeps, we've yet to get those grilles too.

  5. Oh yes, the grills, i hate window grills -.-

  6. muffin girl5/6/09 11:46

    the thing is they will continue to be fascinated with climbing stairs for a long long time. everyday, K asks to go 'up', that is, to the loft, and she would just climb up and down for a good hour!

  7. ruth :: i'm glad there aren't any in my house either!

    serline :: i'm sure you can come back to visit easily -- you're barely an hour and a half away :)

    natchin :: thanks!

    lilsnooze & michelle :: yah, expensive and ugly. sianz.

    MG :: oh dear. but if he self-entertains, then maybe it's not such a bad thing.



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