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Thursday, July 16, 2009

King of the Playground

With Noey as active as he is these days, one of my favourite things to do (when weather permits) is to take him to the playground downstairs and turn him loose to crawl around and explore the play structure.

My father, the classic "don't touch this/that/the other cos it's dirty"-type parent might not approve but I'm a firm believer in ourdoor play and I think a little dirt never hurt anyone. I do steer him away from the soil and bird droppings and the bits that look dodgy, but otherwise I give him free rein to roam around. Likewise the climbing structure, though I do get in there with him to make sure he doesn't fall off.

Noey ponders his next move at Tic-Tac-Toe

Ah hah! Is that a stick I spy?

It is! And now it's mine!

Check out my lightning fast swatting moves! Take that, fly!

There are frequently other children at the playground too and my noisy little fella is always trying to get their attention, though of course, they have no idea what he's going on about. He really likes other kids, this one.

Noey: Mmmmm! Wawawawa!"
Translation: "Hey you! Let's play!"

"Hmmm, she's not interested. How about you Papa?"

"Guess I should just explore on my own..."

Of course I have to watch him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't put random gunk in his mouth or lick his dirty fingers. And after we're done, I just pop him back upstairs and give his hands and legs a good soap down, and he's good till his evening bath.

Hmmm, maybe he will fulfill his Papa's ambition for him to be King of the Playground in time to come after all!


  1. We should meet at Marina next. There's this cute little playground next to Kiddy Palace. I'm curious to see how Bean and Noah tear the place apart. Lol

  2. Wooo such fun! I must let Missy Raeann try the playgrounds soon! Her daddy is the "but-there's-hand-foot-mouth-disease" kinda daddy, sighhhhhh.

  3. wow... he's really having so much fun! The last time xy was at the Marina playground, she was just relegated to standing near one of the wobbly sitting things. The big kids there totally ignored her! SobSob for my baby...

  4. k loves the playground behind our house too! i think sometimes watching the older kids at play helps them learn faster... hur hur. or at least, they observe more things.

    i love that K and N are at such similar stages cos they're so close in age. funny how i, erm, don't find these similarities with my nephew who is just 5 weeks older than K. hur hur again!!

  5. Hee... my boy loves the playground too and would be very upset when it's time to leave. [Usually when Mummy got very tired.]



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