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Monday, August 17, 2009

Fidgeting About

The October babies came out to play at Fidgets a couple of weeks back.

Our "twins", Bean and Noey, who same the same birthday

The only shot where they're both looking at the camera and I focus on the girl's butt behind. Great job, Mum.

Group shot with Little Miss Kate. This time we Mummies got smarter and took the group shots at the start of the playdate when everyone was cooperative and not at the end.

Noey got to play with some laces -- "Ooo, string!"

And also chug around in a cool ride. Noey got the hang of it, but the gap between the seat and the wheel was rather wide and he slipped out of the car a couple of times.

In the end, Noey decided that it would be more fun using the car as a walker. He also impressed the Aunties by manipulating the car around each time he got stuck in a corner.

Kate deicded to get in on the act as well.

Noey looked like he was having such a good time pushing the car around, that Momo, who was pushing Bean around decided to put them together. I wasn't sure Noey would be able to handle the weight but he had no problems, and happily pushed Bean around the compound. He even tried to turn the car when he got stuck but obviously couldn't quite manage that!

It was terribly cute watching the 2 of them together -- it was perhaps the closest they got to playing with each other! Momo even got a video of the proceedings, and as you can see, Noey even stopped to smile at the camera. Not camera-shy, this one.

I love meeting these bubs because it's so fun seeing how they are on the same development track, being so close in age. The same and yet different, with the babies developing different skills at the same time. Kate for example, claps and points to indicate where she wants to go, something neither of the boys do, they instead being more interested in getting around. Of course it's also great meeting the Mummies though we didn't have that much of an opportunity to have a good chat, what with following our various bubs around.

'Twas a fun afternoon EXCEPT that in the next few days, all 3 babies fell ill with flu, leading us to think that they must have caught something from Fidgets that day. That and the fact that the place was surprisingly crowded on a weekeday afternoon with kids supervised by maids and generally running amok. Ugh. I think the next time we meet it'll have to be somewhere more sane, like someone's home.


  1. haha.. he's getting cuter by the day! :)

  2. wah! he has a determined look in his eye as he makes his way around hahaha



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