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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mr Sniffles

It's been a tough few days.

Noey caught a cold a few days ago and while it has not impeded his level of activity, it is proving to be terribly disruptive to his sleep. He has been unable to nap properly in the afternoon since Tuesday and would wake up crying and unable to go back to sleep after 30 mins. He would therefore conk off earlier at night but then proceed to wake up a few times in the night, inconsolable.

You there! Put down the camera and clean my nose!

Let me tell you, after he's been basically sleeping through the night and only waking occasionally at 5am, having him wake up multiple times and needing to nurse back to sleep has been a shock to the system. I have been a bit of a wreck.

(What am I thinking, wanting No.2??)

It has made me appreciate the fact that Noey has been a very healthy child thus far. He's only ever really fallen sick once and had a slight runny nose a couple of times. Those barely made a blip in his daily routine. This time round he thankfully has not developed a temperature nor any further symptoms other than a leaky nose. Which I keep trying to wipe, much to his annoyance.

Noey gets juice (in addition to fruits at every meal) in an attempt to load up on Vit C. What a treat. 

He's been getting better slowly. He managed a 2 hour nap in the afternoon yesterday and a decent length one of about 1.5 hours today, much to my relief. For a while there I was afraid that he would try to drop his nap. Unfortunately I'll have to try to wean him off the night nursing yet again now that he's somewhat better. He didn't take too kindly to it last night and couldn't sleep after he woke up at 5+am, which meant that I couldn't get back to sleep, since he alternated between crying and throwing himself on me. Sigh.

Please let tonight be better.

Snot-induced grief notwithstanding, there have been moments of hilarity.

Noey (pointing at the packet of Baby Bites I was holding): Ah-pen! (Open)
Me: Noey, what must you say? Say "Biscuit please, Mummy".
Noey : Tiap-tiap (currently Noey-speak for biscuit)
Me: Say "Please, Mummy"
Noey: (signs please)
Me: Hey, where the "Mummy"?
Noey: (pointing at me) There!

Got to love this kid, snotty nose or no.


  1. hilarious!!!! hahahaha!
    love it when they first pick up words! Why tiap tiap! sounds so cute!! haha! i'm going to use it from now on!

    hope he's better soon!
    (yah, sometimes i wonder if they WANT to get sick so that they get more juice, and other yummy things! I have to hide the fever meds in orange juice for YK recently, cos that's the only way he'll take it!)

  2. Hahaha so funny! It's amazing how their little brains process stuff!!

  3. hahaha i love that kids are so literal!



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