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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Conversation Points

I recently commented that one of the things I miss most about our pre-Noey days was the one-on-one time DD and I used to have with each other, just talking. Good conversation has always been a key attribute of our relationship, from our pre-dating-just-friends days, to our dating days and well into our marriage. I guess we just like to TALK. (And I wonder why my son has so much to say all the time!)

Last Monday we had the opportunity to go grab dinner on our own, so we decided on Tapas at Clarke Quay and sat down to just talk. I told him about some good blogs that I'd stumbled upon, and in particular, this post that I'd read which really struck a chord with me. We talked about how adoption was truly the closest earthly reproduction of God's love for us -- adoption being solely the prerogative of the adopter -- and both marvelled and were humbled by the big hearts that adoptive and would-be-adoptive parents had in this regard. DD also shared with me some thoughts from Spurgeon's sermons which he has recently taken to reading on his train rides home in the evening. We talked about how we were blessed with much but we have in turn done little to bless others. We then bounced around ideas of what we could do to help the poor and needy among us as a family that would go beyond contribution of funds. Giving money is easy. The gift of time however, is less so.

We even impressively did not talk about Noey till dinner was almost over, which must be something of a record!

It was the kind of evening that reminded me once again of how much I love this man and love spending time with him. It is amazing that nearly 10 years on, we still haven't run out of things to say.
A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short. ~ André Maurois

By the way, if anyone has any good suggestions of charity/social work we can do on a semi-regular basis, please drop me a note and let me know!

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