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Sunday, March 28, 2010


Thank You Lord
~Dan Burgess~

But it goes against the way
I am to put my human nature down
and let the Spirit take control of all I do.
'Cause when those trials come,
my human nature shouts the thing to do;
and God's soft prompting
can be easily ignored.

And I thank you, Lord,
with each trial I feel inside,
that you're there to help lead and guide

me away from wrong.
'Cause you promised, Lord,
that with every testing,
that your way of escaping

is easier to bear.

And I thank you, Lord,
for the victory that growing brings.
In surrender of everything
life is so worth while.
And I thank you, Lord,
that when everything's put in place,
out in front I can see your face,
and it's there you belong.

Thank you, Lord,
for the trials that come my way.
In that way I can grow each day
as I let you lead,
And thank you, Lord,
for the patience those trials bring.
In that process of growing,
I can learn to care.

This was one of my favourite worship songs when I was a teen, struggling with growing up in the world yet growing up right in the sight of God. DD started singing it one day when we were trying to get Noey to sleep and with all that has been going on around me lately, it really ministered to me.

It has been a really tough week for me on several fronts. There's been grief, guilt, stress, hurt, unhappiness and way too much talking and explaining. I am glad that it is over. Yet I am reminded that both in the valley and on the mountain, the Lord is there, and He will bring us through. It is so hard sometimes though, to cast aside our human nature turn ourselves to Christ instead. It is only by grace that we are able (to try) to.

In the midst of it all, there was one bright spark: after months of fruitless searching, we've finally found a place we love enough to call home. There's still some way to go before the everything is finalised but I believe the Lord has led us to it and everything will turn out well.

And it's a brand new week.


  1. Yes the Lord brought that song to mind too last week and I was singing it on the way to work. :)

    Glad that things are looking up! *hugs*

  2. Lyndis :: I think it ministers in a way that (dare I say it) some of the newer more repetitive worship songs don't. Thanks for the hugs!

  3. He'll carry us there, He'll take us there, He is our Living Lord.



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