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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Brain Drain

Maybe it was pregnant brain syndrome.

My company has a welfare club (of sorts) that organises a movie night once a month where tickets are sold at a discounted rate of $4.50. This month's offering was Prince Caspian, so I thought it was an ideal opportunity for me to catch a movie with my bro, something I like to do when the opportunity arises. So I got my allotted 2 tickets and called him to inform him of our date. "12 June, 6.40pm", I told him. "Don't forget."

Unfortunately this week has been a really busy one at the office, so much so that on Tuesday I realised that I wasn't going to be able to make it for the show. So I offered my bro both tickets and asked him to bring a friend, an offer he gleefully accepted. He check with me on the details and again I reiterated the same instructions: "12 June, 6.40pm". "At Lido", I added.

The morning of 12 June came and I whipped out the tickets and stared in dismay at the date on them: 11 June.


Till now I'm still not sure why I was SO SURE the date was 12 June. That's just what I thought it was and I didn't bother checking. The fact that I had just been talking to another of my colleagues (who had also gotten the same tickets) just the day before made me feel even sillier. She had assumed that I had known that the show was on that day itself.

Feeling guilty for the big screw up and not wanting to disappoint my bro (and his friend), I logged on to the Shaw website and bought 2 tickets for 6.30pm that day. At Lido. Of course after having paid for the tickets I realised that I would then have to pick them up. And since I was buying the tickets afresh, I actually had a choice of the cinema. And my office is walking distance from Cineleisure.


So on that busy day, I still had to squeeze out time to take the train to Orchard to venture to Lido to pick up the tickets.

I got them in the end and my bro was none the wiser. DD had a good laugh at my expense though.

At least my bro enjoyed the movie! As he put it "If I had to pay, then I'd say it was ok, but since it was free, it was great!" Well, it certainly cost me more than he knew to make it happen!


  1. Anonymous17/6/08 09:15

    WAH!!! you're DA SISTA!! lovely!

  2. haahah!! maybe also because of post holiday ? hahahh! but anyway...sweet sista!

  3. Hee, it's something I'm totally capable of too (forgetting dates and getting tics from Lido again). I suppose its the pregnancy! (And motherhood as well)

    Don't think my babysis wanna watch moveee with me anymore (and she's really much more updated in this area than I am)

  4. haha.. that's quite funny.. and i realised you've also put it down in your sidebar on the 12th! :)

  5. That's really so sweet of you! You could have easily just told your bro about the mistake and left it as that. But nooo...you went out of your way to make his day! What sisterly love :)

  6. imp >> hah, no lah, i felt silly for making a mess of the arrangements!

    elaine >> i would like to blame the holiday but i think it was all my own doing. sigh.

    lilsnooze >> yah, actually it's something i'm perfectly capable of doing, pregnancy or no! watching a movie with me = free tickets and food so i think he still likes to tag along with me!

    lingz >> YAH! i know! i honestly thought it was 12th!

    corsage >> my bro has had a fair bit of studying/work to do this hol cos it's his 'o' level year so i didn't want him to be disappointed since he was looking forward to it.

  7. Anonymous19/6/08 10:49

    Aww you're such a sweet sister!



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