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Friday, October 25, 2013

The 8th

On Tuesday, the husband and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary.

That we were able to celebrate at all is a testament to our relationship, I think, since we got unhappy with each other that very afternoon over the very same issue of celebrating our wedding anniversary. It was all a bit trivial, and yet, it was also not. In a way I guess it was really one of those underlying things that needs just the tiniest sparks to come rushing to the surface.

What I've learnt from years of marriage, however, is that:

- If I'm going to say something hurtful, I don't say it.

- If what I'm going to say will probably be construed as nagging, I don't say it.

- If I have nothing positive to say, I keep quiet.

- Holding on to unhappy feelings only makes me unhappier.

- By giving in a little, I always get more back.

- Despite everything, I still love my husband very much.

I'm sure the husband has his own rules, and I dare say they aren't very different.

That was how we sorted it through and ended up going out to dinner at The Pelican. It was DD's choice and it turned out really well. You know what I'm going to say anyway: The food was good but the company was better.

8years1Me and our feast of starters. The crab cakes were superb and DD loved the candied bacon, which was really interesting. I thought it'd turn out like bak kwa, but no.

8years3Our wood-grilled Barramundi, which was really good, though it looks a bit sad on a plate all by itself.

Coming back to find the kids already asleep was the icing on the cake.

It's been a good 8 years, though like any married couple will tell you, it's not always been easy, even when you love each other and are fully committed to the relationship. It is by God's grace that two really different people can come together and stay together despite their differences, and still find it fulfilling. I'm glad we started out our marriage with an understanding of our God-appointed roles as husband and wife as I can tell you that it has made things that much smoother.

In this regard, I was also very distressed to learn that a website that encourages extra-marital affairs is planning to launch in Singapore. I have no words for someone who seeks to profit from something as morally reprehensible as ruining marriages. Especially if that someone is married with kids. Yes, there are people who cheat and who will cheat whether or not such a website exists. But that should not be a reason for allowing a platform which promotes and facilitates this, and worse, make it seem acceptable. I found it incredulous that the founder of Ashely Madison said he would be "devastated" if he found his wife on the site, and yet he still runs this business. I guess money is more important to him than moral values, feelings or relationships. (See also the views shared by A Juggling Mom and Missus Tay on this topic.)

For DD and I, our marriage is obviously not perfect, but it is something we treasure. I know that as a busy Mum, I am in danger of neglecting my husband while trying to tend to the many needs of the children. It is a balance that I'm trying to shift in the year ahead so that my husband knows that he matters to me too. Because he does. A marriage takes work, it takes prayer, but get it right and it will be worth the effort. When you honour God with your marriage, know that He will definitely honour you right back.

8years28 years young.


  1. happy anniversary you lovebirds! :) and here's to many more lovely years (and beautiful children) to come! xx

    1. thanks babe! not sure about many more children tho! haha.

  2. Happy anniversary! What a lovely, big bouquet of flowers!

    1. Yes, bigger than my head, as my husband likes to say :P Thanks for the well-wishes!

  3. "It is by God's grace that two really different people can come together and stay together despite their differences, and still find it fulfilling." I so totally agree with that statement! Love this post! Oh and another gem of a line from this lovely post "When you honour God with your marriage, know that He will definitely honour you right back." - He definitely did when He blessed us with such lovely children!!! :)

    1. Thanks Pam -- glad it resonated! We are blessed in our marriages!

  4. Nice post! Blessed anniversary! Totally agree with your points.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Isn't it funny how little things can sometimes blow up. So nice to see that you worked things out.

  6. Congrats on your anniversary! I remember started reading your blog shortly after your honeymoon! Haha.
    This is a lovely post. I think the best kind of marriage is one where you have a fight and has the ability to reconcile soon after.

  7. Awww, happy anniversary! I totally agree with you on the subject of that nefarious website. So glad that we have ministers who will actively act against such things.

  8. Happy Anniversary!

    This is very hard for me to do:
    "- If what I'm going to say is will probably be construed as nagging, I don't say it."

    It will probably eat me if I don't say it. Haha!

    1. Haha, ok, it's not like I don't say it at all! I try to just say it once, nicely :) It does usually get a better reaction.

  9. Happy anniversary you two!!!! :)




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