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Thursday, October 17, 2013

WowArt: On Exhibition

I think one of the proudest moments an artist experiences is when his art goes on exhibition. That's certainly not something I would know first-hand. I mean, have you seen my art? If the answer is no, there's a good reason for that! 

Thanks to WowArt however, Noey got to experience that excitement when a mini in-house exhibition was held for their Art Alive students. They even got little invitation cards to hand out to family and friends to invite them to come.

WowArtEx6You're invited!

We were having a busy weekend, so we arrived late for the party come 6 October. But we were still eager to hunt down Noey's artwork, especially since we had no idea which of his pieces his teacher had selected for display. But around the corner, there is was: one of Noey's latest pieces -- a construction helmet still-life.

WowArtEx3Spot Noey's picture of a hat on the wall!

I'd in fact never seen this piece, as this was one of the latest pieces he had completed, and my parents were the ones who collected him after the lesson. My mum had told me that Teacher Rara was very enthusiastic about the piece, telling them that he had done it all on his own. When we saw it, I could scarce believe it that Noey had drawn it himself. I'm sure I could't do that!

The little man was also chuffed to see his artwork on the wall. He smiled happily and spent some time studying it on the wall. And posing for photos, of course.

WowArtEx1We had to get one of the artist with his artwork.

WowArtEx5The picture of the construction helmet that inspired his artwork.

We spent some time looking at the other pieces on display, many of which were very impressive, yet unmistakably the work of children. I saw plenty of pieces which were variations of artwork that Noey had also done, and it was interesting seeing the different interpretations and executions of the same techniques and subject matter. 

WowArtEx2Colourful art pieces up on the walls of the walkway.

WowArtEx4Check out this chameleon, incidentally the artwork of another student in Noey's class.

I was impressed that these were the works of 5 and 6 year olds. It just shows what kids are capable of with proper instruction and guidance.

I'm glad Noey's having this opportunity to explore his artistic side and have fun at the same time. At least I know that he's not likely to be as hopeless at art as I am!

If you're interested to see more of Noey's art at WowArt, do check out the hashtag #noeyswowart on Instagram, where I post updates on his latest art work as he continues with his lessons this term.

*This is Part 2 of a series of posts on Noey's art learning journey at WowArt. You can read Part 1 here. Noey was invited by WowArt to experience a term of their ArtAlive classes. All opinions expressed herein are strictly my own and are based on my own observations as well as information provided by WowArt.



  1. Very impressive pieces of art! I think I need to go for these classes myself. :P

  2. Well done Noey!!! And the other kids' work are impressive too :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka



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