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Monday, September 30, 2013

The Countdown to the Noah 5 Mission to Outerspace

Been feeling a little stressed, and the reason for that is a not-so-little space mission that I've been preparing for.

Noey s 5th Birthday Invite Clean

I'm excited for sure. You know how much I love parties! But I'm also more than a bit nervous as Noey has invited quite a few of his classmates to the party this time round. I agonised over it because I usually have too many kids already! But, well, it is his party after all, so it's only fair he gets to invite some of his friends too. I told him to pick 8 of his classmates instead of the entire class, and I had to leave some of my own friends off the list. (Sorry guys!) 

The party is in a couple of weeks. While his actual birthday is coming up this week, I've pushed his party to a later date so things will be a bit slow here for a while. But it's not everyday that you celebrate your son turning 5 after all! I'll be back with more updates after!


  1. aw thanks for keeping us! heehee.

    i think it's harder to do parties when they get older cos they have their own ideas too. maybe by then, i will have one for their own friends from school and another one for friends from out of school (that is, our whole big gang of aunties with their kids). ;p

    1. I contemplated doing two but was scared off by the notion. Haha. DD would definitely baulk too! Will have to see as they grow older.



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